HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 (edited) I am keeping this updated with new vids and thoeries. ok i say this one more time : i am a man of science. ok? i dont believe in gods, satans, angels, and things of that nature. i believe in man. myself. science. What about the UFO theory? i like quantum physics!!! when i was in high school one of our astrology teachers along with the Quantum physics proffesor, told us about NASA's UFO theory. they said that the greatest cultures on this planet (Greece, Japan, Rome, China, Mayas, Indians) are what they are because of aliens. if you look this up, they were right at some points. so far i've seen ancient greek artifacts with strange men on them. the same with japanese. Alexander the great: if you've seen the movie then i'm sure you noticed the eagle above every battle. well in an old text its not an ealge. they said "the gods are watching. the three coulds..above us... they are with us! to glory! " <--- Quote from alexanders speech before the battle at gaugamela. Stonehedge in england: how did they built that? it still remains a big mystery. You guys know who Jason was right? he killed the thing guarding the fleece and brought it back to greece. ok so historians believe that the Argo (the ship) was no just a ship. the golden fleece was located in china. the animal, the "golden goat" still lives, but i cant remember its name. its either extinct or near extinction. now you take the worlds greatest athletes, and a ship of that time. and you tell them, "hey go to china with this ship!" i say impossible. a journey from greece to china with a wooden ship? meh believe what you want. i dont force you to think different. as far as that goes, other historians believe in lost technology. much like atlantis only in a bigger scale. they think that after the library of alexandria was gone, knowledge of centuries were lost with it. Q33NY, was the number of the flight of one the planes that crashed into the WTC. type Q33NY in M.Word, then make the font into Wingdings 1 and see for yourself. coincidence? maybe. Subliminal Mesages something very common in our days. its like everywhere. i will link some disturbing things here : (side note : some may be coincidence, keyword being 'some') http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgMvVRdLD4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSgc5Apu6DU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBKDZhu-EZw&feature=related and some more, you do the digging maybe you'll find something i missed 9/11 clearly one of the biggest cover ups in history. i have 2 theories to back this up. one is this (http://wemustknow.net/2010/06/illuminati-nwo-card-game-revisited-new-findings-whole-card-set-is-here-this-time/ )but it will take you a while to see, and the other theory is the bush theory. i mean the man was opsessed with war against terrorism he made an invasion in iran to find nuclear weapons. but he didnt. so how was he going to explain that? a bombing on american soil, then blame it on the terrorists. plus he gained a lot of political power after that. and something that is quite stricking. 12 years before the titanic someone (idk if he was a freemason or not) wrote a novel about a ship called "Titan". Titan sank on its first journey by hitting an iceberg. coincidence? yea probably Typing Illuminati backwards with a 'com' at the end gets you... (Itanimulli.com) i study architecture. in one of my classes my teacher told us about 9/11. how it was fake in his eyes. he told us that he had a friend from college, who was a mechanic when the WTC was being built. he said that the foundations were made to melt only be thermite. he also told us that the towers did not roll. for example, what happens if you put a dice on another? you make a tower. now throw something at them, they will roll not fall down. How we are being controlled if we are. simple. a candy store there, a tv in a house, videogames, porn, movies,the internet -.- ,even the radio ffs. anything to keep the human mind entertained. they dont like it when you have a mind of your own. neil armstrongs cryptic speech is something we must watch. ok so, i said this in the shout box. i got my father to buy me some german journals from ww2. they sure as hell cost these days after reading them again, and again i got into their minds. the germans, yes they were 'brainwashed' by Hitler. Hitler wanted other things. One of his officers actually says that he heard Hitler saying " The Masons are my only priority. Everyone else will be considered collateral damage. Killing them will put an end to their lies " and god no, im not saying that killing 60 million people was a good thing! NO!! all im trying to say is that his cause was somewhat good but did not turn out according to plan. I hate him actually i dont like hitler. just saying. also the nazis were in to the occult right? if anyone of you played waw nazi zombies, on der riese, those experiments were real. well not the dogs n stuff but the teleporters. i think its called Die Glock? Symbols All Seeing Eye Egyptian Eye letter G now can someone please tell me why i saw an all seeing eye in an orthodox church that has nothing, NOTHING to do with christianity. most people will say "its the eye of god" but thats crap. its not a christian symbol people. how about the american declaration of independence? 50 out of the 55 people were known free masons. inculding Washington How the economic system is doing the complete opposite of what it is suppose to do well thank god i dont have to type this one watch this. i would recommend watching the whole movie since its better than like a megan fox sex tape... and holy shit this scene is familiar. the whole thing i wrote and firefox O.o deja vu.... and the last thing that will take away our right as humans (freedom) is that micro chip they are gonna put in us. what is called, the citizens card? im telling you, we may not want it now but we sure as hell will ask for it. there are 2 ways in which they can make us use one of these. 1, is a fake terrorist attack. after all people do strange things when they are scared. 2 is law. you dont put one you go to jail. and they, whoever they are want to destroy greece first. lolol we are fisty people they know we wont stand for something like that. im not saying that everyone else is braindead to see what will happen to them.... Also, A. Merkel will succeed in what Hitler was trying to do. (not the free masons part, but global control). But she will do it in a more disctrict way and at the end people will be poor. Poverty is the world's greatest killer. ok guys hate on me go ahead. im just waiting for you to be 'mature' to me since i am 'dumb' Disclaimer - i wont reply to anyone being rude. after all i live in a free country oh and for the people who couldnt already tell, I'm Josh not Tony. he doesnt know any of this, but i am trying to keep him away from these things. its callled being protective. i build a lie to protect the turth, which is ugly. Edited July 19, 2011 by HaxorISay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 some yes might be coincidences, but that doesnt make everything else fake Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 and ffs if you hate hitler be my guest i do too, but you have to admit that he did something right.. just to add, if i see anyone saying "you're dumb" i am gonna take you as a moron who has no manners. if you feel offended FINE as long as you dont insult me.*cough* james, ninja *cough* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whoops Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 Ok, topic a personal preference and I guess can be discussed quite lengthly dependin on what you believe in. But why all this hate and anger? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 Whoops said: Ok, topic a personal preference and I guess can be discussed quite lengthly dependin on what you believe in. But why all this hate and anger? to who? i agree that last night i over reacted with the jew part but whatever no one's perfect Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMoS Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 for a kid, you're full of hate, whether it's your upbringing - i dunno, but it's a ignorant, biggoted, narrow minded point of view, quite suprising from a young educated modern person Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 (edited) TheMoS said: for a kid, you're full of hate, whether it's your upbringing - i dunno, but it's a ignorant, biggoted, narrow minded point of view, quite suprising from a young educated modern person ok. i dont know if you've read this but i said i over reacted with the jew part. lol i've never known an american who doesnt hate them my mind was poisoned by my friends jeez.. but lets say thats not what you meant. what do they teach you at school? so i am ignorant, full of hate (which we all know you can clearly tell someones tone from reading what he wrote), and narrow minded for actually reading, and having an oppinion of my own???? MoS have you ever heard of the chaos theory? an act of event, which at first seem random but at the end they pieces fit together ? and no im not a kid ffs dont ever call me that. im 23 and i am engaged.... Edited July 18, 2011 by HaxorISay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 i've never known* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMoS Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 you overreact and lose your temper alot, the way you talk, the way you behave made me think you were a kid. i'm suprised you're 23.then, you contradict yourself - first you say "my mind was poisoned by my friends" then "having an oppinion of my own" - so which is it? all americans hate jews? i'm lost at that comnent.. the more i think about it, the more i think you're just a troll, i'm better off not biting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 (edited) well i said having an oppinion of my own because i thought you were bashing on all the things i said. my bad.now can we get over it? huh?**** the jew part forget it. ok?now how about everything else whats your take on that?im josh btw lol,tony is 17 im 23 Edited July 18, 2011 by HaxorISay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whiteRabbit Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 "the truth is out there" Haxor..Learn, read, use your head, But hatred and anger do not lead anywher zeitgeist has enlightened me but he did not holy bible..;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 whiteRabbit said: "the truth is out there" Haxor..Learn, read, use your head, But hatred and anger do not lead anywher zeitgeist has enlightened me but he did not holy bible..;) i dont hate right now. everything involving hate i removed from the post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urban-Ninja Posted July 18, 2011 Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 i actually agree with a small portion of your rant (about globalization, not Jew hating...), but it's just too misguided, ignorant, and as others have noted, immature. your aggressive responses to a reasonable opinion only further envision you as an angry child filled with misinformation.i believe, to hate... is to lose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 18, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2011 '[RG said: Urban-Ninja;4899']i actually agree with a small portion of your rant (about globalization, not Jew hating...), but it's just too misguided, ignorant, and as others have noted, immature. your aggressive responses to a reasonable opinion only further envision you as an angry child filled with misinformation. i believe, to hate... is to lose. sorry i think i havent made myself clear for the last 3 times. Tell me where is the hate. quote it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iJamie Posted July 19, 2011 Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 Typing in message box is common and normal, everyone does that to post.On the other hand, showing your feelings like this is a sign of weakness, not strength. Internet is always internet even though you may know someone in a real life from ED.If it really is necessary to talk about this issue/emotion, I'd say I agree with some of the things you've typed.Don't always believe your eyes. As I previously said, this is internet. Everything can be modified, created and destroyed.Usually I would create a link here to Murphy's Laws, but I think you know what Im talking about. PM me if you don't.You have to find the real information instead false or false-positive. It's hard nowadays, but keep it up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 19, 2011 ok **** it whatever, i made this to talk to you guys about how the system works but you talk about emotions. just dont bother commenting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matthew_pov Posted July 26, 2011 Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 (edited) I don't get the point of this thread.you pointed out at the first paragraph that you are a man of science: "i am a man of science. ok? i dont believe in gods, satans, angels, and things of that nature. i believe in man. myself. science.", you are driven by idealism and fear, not by practical considerations or your own believes , it is almost as if you took someone else s ideas and implanted them into your head, locked them up and closed for debate.You failed to understand already, by just looking on the first 3 lines of your post I am convinced that you are driven by fear of this world, maybe you should reconsider and read the bible at times.sometimes to understand big things you must first look at the basic principles of life Edited July 26, 2011 by Matthew_pov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matthew_pov Posted July 26, 2011 Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 HaxorISay said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o In life you meet many people with many different opinions , just because George Carlin jumps off a cliff does not mean that I will too. I have seen many miracles in my life that cannot be explained by your so called "science" nor George Carlin, I am sure that you can also see plenty of it on tv as-well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 cool. name some maybe we can determine if they are devine or not.also, keep your faith i dont care what you believe in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HaxorISay Posted July 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 and the topic here starts : 'The Matrix is everywhere,' informs Morpheus, 'It is all around us. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth . . .' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matthew_pov Posted July 26, 2011 Report Share Posted July 26, 2011 (edited) HaxorISay said: cool. name some maybe we can determine if they are devine or not. also, keep your faith i dont care what you believe inI have seen a guy die, doctors taking out his organs and putting them roughly back in , and the guy coming back to life after 3 days , despite having his organs thrown roughly back together.. I have seen my own mothers broken leg (completely shattered) being healed with a single prayer from our church... people who had no eyesight regained. world is full of life, you just have to open your eyes to see it! Edited July 26, 2011 by Matthew_pov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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