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|RT|SikoRisky hacking on ModWarfare 2, #7 MW2 ARENA

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  fockedup said:

Dominic Yeah he meant BT sikorsky , but look who is reporting him . I'm so disappointed of u . i thought u were a good player Mr.sofakingH4rd . any way . also swill have a word with sikorsky about this.

I must admit, I'm Sofa.

Please hear me out. We all know I hacked, and I know nothing is going to change now but please read this.

From the day I met you on the server I really enjoyed it. I was playing without hacks for a while, but actually only started hacking this morning GMT +1.

The reason I hacked was because some people came on the server and started hacking, so I downloaded some and did it my self.

I'm really sorry Fockedup. I know I'm not going to get unbanned, but I just wanted to say a few things. I'll have a look at the other servers epicdot has to offer. If I'm not banned from those.

I'm really sorry to everyone I may have annoyed/peed off.

Please don't ban this account. I'm not going to hack on your other servers now. I will be playing your SND one mostly.

I'm out,


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hahahhahahahahah TXN WHOOPS COsE U BANED ME 4 EVER.............DUDE sofe hacked i tryed to call any admin but every admin turn off his Xfire........so i turned on my WH and just killing sofa..........if u dont belive me ask other players im clear,and i said for my hunting in this sever(take WH and just killing cheater) other admins.they said to stop with that so i stoped on 4 months and today must turn on cose this idiot hack always.............anyway TXN for hack............ :***** LOVE YA

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  Sikorsky said:

hahahhahahahahah TXN WHOOPS COsE U BANED ME 4 EVER.............DUDE sofe hacked i tryed to call any admin but every admin turn off his Xfire........so i turned on my WH and just killing sofa..........if u dont belive me ask other players im clear,and i said for my hunting in this sever(take WH and just killing cheater) other admins.they said to stop with that so i stoped on 4 months and today must turn on cose this idiot hack always.............anyway TXN for hack............ :***** LOVE YA

English please. I didn't understand one bit of what you just said.

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Yeah Sikorsky is Clear :) more over Whoops look at this... U said I dont work as u expected .. but when i was working .. always checking server ... and Arena like other servre was Clear from cheaters now it is big on Land of cheaters :) i hope U change Ur mind :)

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  Marcin said:

Yeah Sikorsky is Clear :) more over Whoops look at this... U said I dont work as u expected .. but when i was working .. always checking server ... and Arena like other servre was Clear from cheaters now it is big on Land of cheaters :) i hope U change Ur mind :)

sry but my english is bad.MRACIN txn :wink: WHOOPS dont unban me cose i delete game,so i will not play MW2,just cose im banned from 1 server"UR SERVER...............TXN:!::!:
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  SofaKingH4rd said:


ModWarfare 2

Which server?

ModWarfare 2, #7 MW2 ARENA

Name of the hacker/cheater


Suspected Hack


Proof - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kSLIlI08FA&feature=youtube_gdata

K to make it clear sofa was wallin today in Arena server. Maybe its a cheap excuse but Sikorsky was killin just him/her/it idk... so if ya ask me it was kind fair enough. There was no admins around and since Marcin is no longer an admin (he was da only admin with a no life...:)) we couldnt do anythin about it . Sikorsky is not a cheater and I'm happy with what he did.

Hacker reported by another hacker is a damn funny thing dont ya think so? I Hope Sik was not banned from Ed. If ya could forget about baberzz thing ya can do da same with Sik.

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  squnik said:

K to make it clear sofa was wallin today in Arena server. Maybe its a cheap excuse but Sikorsky was killin just him/her/it idk... so if ya ask me it was kind fair enough. There was no admins around and since Marcin is no longer an admin (he was da only admin with a no life...:)) we couldnt do anythin about it . Sikorsky is not a cheater and I'm happy with what he did.

Hacker reported by another hacker is a damn funny thing dont ya think so? I Hope Sik was not banned from Ed. If ya could forget about baberzz thing ya can do da same with Sik.

TXN DUDE...........but i finished with game :( no more shield class....
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no sikorsky dont do that.. both know U was clear and 100% admins here who work "very good" i mean we report at 1 pm and som1 appers at 4 pm .... and ask is that hacker still here.... Dont Go Bro we made clan xD or we join to U and kill all cheaters :)

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Has everyone just turned dumb overnight? Does noone understand that just because someone is hacking they think it's ok to turn on hacks as and when they please. This just makes that person as bad as the other. I fully understand it was done with the best intentions but as they say two wrongs don't make a right.

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Mos not my problem Ur an Admin It Ur job :) if some1 raporting one person from an 1h :) it is so hard to turn on IE and enter RCON pass and banned him ...? If Ur admin U should checking server foe each 15 min .. all 9 ed servers the talk is end here If U cant do that job just leave...

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  Marcin said:

no sikorsky dont do that.. both know U was clear and 100% admins here who work "very good" i mean we report at 1 pm and som1 appers at 4 pm .... and ask is that hacker still here.... Dont Go Bro we made clan xD or we join to U and kill all cheaters :)

I deleted :D
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  Marcin said:

if some1 raporting one person from an 1h :)

it's still hard to have enough good admins to cover all servers 24/7 - hence why it's quicker/more efficient for the players to report hackers. so you're complaining that ONCE it took 4 hours for an admin to reply? a shame - yes. end of the world? no.

  Marcin said:

it is so hard to turn on IE and enter RCON pass and banned him ...?

No, it's not hard. I do it often. Surely u remember how to do it?

  Marcin said:

If Ur admin U should checking server foe each 15 min .. all 9 ed servers the talk is end here

in your opinion. However, it's also your opinion to act immature, whine, bully and generally be unprofessional about the whole situation. If you have such a problem with the servers, players, admin team, RCONs, etc i would suggest using other servers. Maybe you could consider your own server and pay for it?

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  Marcin said:

Yeap :) but maybe when Admins will be faster than turtle that situation has never happened

Yes , because you were the best RCON on ED servers and the best thing that happend to it.

And since you are removed all other RCON are turtles ?

Dont like it , change server.

You werent any better , since you also didnt spend 24/7 on server.

Maybe you dont have a life and can spend whole day in front of PC , but some people actually have a life/family/job , so think before you write something.

  Marcin said:

i dont have Problem :smile: Bro ... i just said :smile:Do Ur job .... Coz in Whoops eyes i didnt :smile:

Seems you have problems understanding english in any other way than "basic translate".

You read RCON notice what is expected from people that join ?

You think you were perfect in all of them ?

You couldnt be more wrong.

Edited by Stiuart
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oh Stiuart belive i have Life i think its batter than Urs :) and i working with Computer ... so stop talking abute private life :).. true hurts isnt it ?:) and stop QQ and talkin U dont have Priv life ... i have family .. bla bla ... its boring...

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