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Ping limit

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please make ping limit 220 because my ping keep changing from 150 to 220 and also i dont lag it about heavy net traffic in my place cuz my net is shared so at midnight my ping 150 but in the afternoon my ping 210.hope you understand i love epic dot servers thx.

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  amine90 said:

it's harder for them to kill you

This game has different net code than any other FPS. Here they see and shoot you before you even glimpsed at them. Google for more details.

I suggested this in MOD forum, was told its in effect at 300, but its not working and I end up manually kicking 400+ ms players.

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  Hyperion said:

please do not make the ping limit low :3 i will die ... i have ping of around 300-303...but the fact is many people with lower ping as low as 100-150 spike and skip locations :P

Correct, that is why people with high pings can still play ok. Only obvious laggers should be kicked. We are not running pro servers. People also spike meaning a low ping may mean half the server being kicked with a spike. AIW system isn't stable it is not cod4.

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Alright I am the same person as the OP (finally made an account), and let's make this clear:

When you knife someone with a low ping (50-100), and you have a mid-high ping (150-200), and the other person knifes you as soon as he sees you, and you do too, you get the kill.

I guess the system works completely client based and not host based... Maybe I should suggest that to aIW xD

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