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How to use IRC in-game in aIW MW2


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I found it on youtube, tested and it does work!

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Step by step:

First do the following, Type into console:

bind i chatmodeirc

bind j say_irc "/server irc.rizon.net" We use the same server

bind k say_irc "/join #alteriwnet" Change to #ED make sure it is k and not k? when copy n paste.

If your nick is registered you can also bind this:

(thats small L) bind l say_irc "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password"

That means I press j to start irc, then k to connect to server and channel then l (small L) to authorise your nick against the system then press i to chat :). default nick will be your player/game nick.

You must include the " " when entering the commands sepperatly into console.


Press J, and wait for the hostname message.

Press K, and wait for the massive text success.

Now Press I to chat in IRC-MODE.

Press I to chat in-game via IRC

Press T to chat in-game only

Players can be on multiple servers/ different server and join #ED

IRC clients (not in game) can join the #ED channel as per usual

They will all be linked up together using IRC

Handy to report cheaters or to have general chats!

You will not be able to see IRC chat when maps are loading or back to main menu. You have to be in-game.

Edited by Whoops
Added #ED channel
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Not sure why people dont understand this:

Chat in the #ED channel will be broadcasted to all clients, to both IRC stand alone clients and to the built in service in your aIW MW2. You dont have to play or be in the game but use IRC client only or be in-game and use the IRC service - they will both see the chat. It will use or grab your default player nick, which means if the name is 'odd' or with a space, irc.rizon.net may reject it?

Whilst in-game; if you see the red [iRC] that means chat will be sent to the #ED channel (not to the players in-game). Players can be on different servers and still chat with each other in-game over IRC and also chat to stand alone clients.

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i made same like that and all worked perfect.then i go out and i cant use IRC.do i must always write that commands in console if i wanna use IRC?

what do you mean? If you have used BIN correctly, all you have to do is to press j then k and to chat via IRC press i. You do all those commands just once.

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