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MW2 servers are back report faults please


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  Gazz said:

mw2 #2 server as played strike twice(strike followed by strike) 3 times today

Not sure why, no duplication. Apart from that MW2 #2 server with new rotation and more maps seems stable. It does sometimes skip a map but in another round - same map skipped is played, all a bit strange. At least it has not restarted for some hours which is good. If stable for another 12 hours, will roll out to the other servers. You will gain a few maps.

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  Whoops said:

Can you test server please.

Sorry for the late reply, i was very busy and when i had some free time the server was empty :( #5 Domination works great seems more stable as before :) The only problem left is auto balance, its disabled. Keep up the great work Whoops :)

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  V3NOM said:

Domination has the same problem. Today the server had some random lags and also restarted once

Not sure, aIW MW2 always has had random lags and if restarted once that is pretty good! :) I will try to play some more and also monitor. Thanks for feedback all, We will eventually get there.

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ok been on mw2#2 since about 8.30am.First map i played was skidrow,crashed at the end of the map.It restarted with trailer park then went to bailout,fuel,afghan and then to quarry which crashed at the end of the map.It again restarted with trailer park, but it crashed half way through the map(something about script error memory) and went straight to bailout, fuel , afghan etc.Since then i have played through all the maps in the rotation(26 in all) until it started back at trailer park and i continued to play until quarry(played 36 maps in all).Im happy to report that since trailer park crashed half way through everything seems fine :D.Also just like to say gameplay feels very smooth:D

Edited by Gazz
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I`ve tested the Domination server everything is back to normal, and yes Gazz is right the gameplay is very smooth since you installed the SSD! I dont understand why on domination server i have 95-97-106 ping and on FFA i have 86-93. Thanks again Whoops and keep up the great work!

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