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IRC Trivia Bot


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A list of available trivia commands assigned to #ED http://www.epicdot.com/forum/chat_irc.php

.help trivia

Trivia: .trivia [number] - to start playing.

Trivia: .strivia - to stop current round.

Trivia: .topten/.tt - lists top ten players.

Trivia: .rank [nick] - shows yours or given nicks current rank.

Trivia: .next - skips question.

Trivia: .themes - lists available question themes.

Trivia: .theme set <name> - changes current question theme (must be channel founder).

The current question themes in which we have are:

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Anime, 2323 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: default, 79015 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Geography, 122 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: History, 64 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: LOTR-Books, 800 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: LOTR-Movies, 455 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Movies, 731 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Naruto, 918 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: ScienceAndNature, 96 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Simpsons, 249 questions.

[22:48:32] -Trivia- Theme: Stargate, 2082 questions.

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Not sure if it was this one ( I could check before posting this but then it wouldnt have much sense :lol: ) but I remember we played some IRC quiz years back.

I also remember categories like "Queen" etc. we had tons of fun with this , but it wasnt so funny when we played it with only 2 people (or less) , since we always ended up with category that only one of us knew :lol:

Seems this one is going more into "what kids watch this days" categories , rather than default :



LOTR (?)

But what can we expect when everyone prefer to use TS now :lol:

Edited by Stiuart
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