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Everything posted by gfgo

  1. but im not been banned im been excluded, then I try to enter again to the server and i got "you have been temporarily excluded from this server" and in 2 hours i can play again, this happen every day and i dont know why
  2. Well, hmmm my ping fluctuate but its around 200 220 260, and my pc is not the best of the best but responce well to the diffrents games and programs that I have. Thanks for your answers.
  3. I dont know whats up but in the morning normally the server kick me and the when I try to play in the same server appear "you have been temporarily excluded from this server" then I play in other server and when a few minutes have pass, I again try to acces to the server but now I can play...this happens to my like 2 times in morning, but in the afternoon this situation never happen. Obiusly I dont use hack, but I have normally a 220 ping. What could be the problem?
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