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Beansy Boy

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  1. the file below will tell you it all and it is virus scanned incase you might have doubts Virus Total URL Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/url-scan/report.html?id=5bd8a66d25aec2703d3da11acaa93db1-1311886399 Virus Total File Scan: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=ddf0bd93108e505e11cef76d58d3f20bdc9dc1142d43023b5204e005ed0ab539-1311893175 File Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?t619qzgi3oagsv6
  2. atm it is every round which works if people stuck to their original teams and didnt team switch when they were losing or go to spectate so its like 9 - 4 or somethin, but the times can be adjusted wait 29.0; // check time is 30 seconds rather than 1 minute change the wait timer for however long you want it in seconds
  3. My Code This is designed only for demoliton, i wouldnt use this code if it was for any other gametype such as search and destroy Default Code i hope this helps ya and this lives in the _teams.gsc file
  4. there are ways, demolition auto balance is setup like S&D team balance that will balance you at the end of rounds, as in team deathmatch it makes sure every 15 seconds, all that needs doing is a change in the code to make it reads the team balance differently, if you need a hand in this give me a shout and i can give you the code changes as i got em ( took less than 2 mins to change )
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