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  1. If you catch me cheating again ??? LOL You and no one else has ever caught me cheating simply because i dont (guilty until proven innocent ??? tssss), also i dont care if i win or lose at a computer game but i dont expect to be harrassed either so yeah add me to your perm ban list. if i want to play there then i will and you and no one else will know any different and there is not 1 possible way you could stop me... Not trying to be an asshole but it looks that way but i do have respect for people whether you believe it or not, but i will only respect hype and deamon coz they are decent people and dont feel the need to talk shit to players if they "suspect" something.. even other players told gazz to shut up and leave me play LOL yeah but i'm in the wrong... whatever anyway ur more than welcome to check logs pfft... been fun Bye Bye...
  2. Bored of ur shit, I only play on 1 server on this game and that is the EpicDot.com #2 MW2 TDM HARDCORE server... you sit in spec just because in 1 round i had chopper gunner in care pack then got another gunner from using that. the next map you sit in spec saying that i have no recoil so even in mid game i find the nearest wall and spray at it just to please you and you say its not normal LOL but you still dont kick or ban, i tell you to record me and ban me if you feel thats right but you dont you keep watching and saying i have no recoil (that was with ump btw, yea good genius)... So anyways after proving myself he still sits in spec and then says to fix my lag, well i'm sorry pal but since i enjoy doing reverse engineering for a hobby (not very good at it but still fun) i tell him im not lagging but he still tells me to fix it.. I use a phenom 965, 8gb kingston ram, liquid cooling, windows 7 (32 bit) on 1 drive, 64 on another and 2 drives with xp (32 bi for reverse engineering hobby) and yes i do use packet sniffers so i always know whats going in and out of my computer but yet this kid still keeeeeeps on at me..... At the end of the day is what i'm trying to say is Gazz i dont care if you donate 5 million to this server or even own it and have the server sitting next to you while ur playing. sometimes you need to realize that you need to sit down and STFU... Dont bother me again please and thank you and after your shit today, you really can KISS MY F-ING ASS... If people decide to perm ban me after what i just said that i'll just change ip and install on another hdd and all is good. GG TYFP...
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