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Everything posted by __Toper__

  1. Damn it nice hunt dude, I like pic 2 with two long fishes!!
  2. Ya we talk about that in old forum,but can we add a page on the website with all ED admins and leaders in public and beside each admin the steam id and xfire id ,and here sample:
  3. Ya we talk about steam BO
  4. I played the game today and all servers are available.
  5. HaxorISay you are my m8 I will say the same you said this game its sux.. btw i have BO steam also and i when i try to join servers its says(servers isnt available at this time) and all i did just i delete the game and install it again and now I have all the servers!
  6. I checked all these kind of servers and i voted for Squad Deathmatch
  7. yaah,yaah.. I got this before ,non of the free antivirus or maleware will block this ,some times fire wall will block it ,and some times doesnt after i changed my pc i just bought norton 360 original copy after that never get this flood ,and here is another way but i didnt use it maybe its help. 1) open regedit 2) go into --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ 3) add the following Keys (DWORD): -SynAttackProtect = 2 -TcpMaxConnectResponseRetransmissions = 2 -TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 3 -TCPMaxPortsExhausted = 5
  8. Good question that what i want to ask him, try another speaker if u got the same proplem thats mean the sound card in this case will be two possibilities 1.is the hardware proplem, then i think you need to unplug the the card and plug it again maybe this help,if dose not work there is another sound card but is building with motherboard you can use it and check the sound. 2.Software proplem and i thing its easy just download the driver for the sound card and install it again. Maybe this help..
  9. I had did this before in some where in norway, its very nice ,i think you miss to take with you some Medicine things just in case Especially Headache midi.
  10. Here serial key for game Booster v2.3 (44814-D56A7-A585F-873B2) I got lag in the game with low ping like 65 on cod4#4 , after i installed game booster its perfect no lag.. try it guys... and if you want the step for game booster v2.3 pm me..
  11. wattz did you saw it on pc or? if you have a good copy of this flim send me the link for download it..
  12. I saw it and its good I like it
  13. Good news hope will work fine,, with out crash..
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