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Everything posted by gromit6909

  1. omg marcin seriously, ninja pro does not make you silent it makes you more quiet, if i turn my headset up and remove the bass i can hear ppl coming, honestly man im not playing, go look at a set of 5.1 trust headset, they are'nt expesive and they are amazing, its worth the money
  2. Call of duty is renowned for having exeptional positional audio, compled with a 5.1 surround sound headser i can hear ppl coming from miles away and i can geta good idea of what direction aswell. including up and down, left and right, forward and back. My advice, stop using some 10 euro stereo headset and join the 5.1 club, you'll be amazed at how good they are.
  3. he did'nt have CB he was clearly on my UAV and i saw him moving on UAV to get near the bridge, he could of only been in one place ffs. not my fault i use the UAV.... you know what forget im not gonna argue with you marcin you were told by matt to record me in furute and not ban me coz you felt like it. Ingame name Chairman Mao I'd like to report marcin for admin abuse if at all possible and speak with an admin on ventrillo/skype coz he is really pissing me off, i dont like being accused of cheating by some twerp with no idea how to play the game.
  4. Ok im really getting ****ing annoyed now guys, i had uav up on underpass, a guy was on the ledge next to the middle bulding near bridge and he was moving forward, the only place he could of been after that was under the window, i looked down and there he was. Low and behold i get kicked fopr using my UAV properly
  5. Well i cant blame them for being suspicious, its activisions fault for giving us VAC, its made everyone paranoid of everyone else, in cod4 PB took care of everyone. now the admins have to be on call 24/7 coz of VAC.
  6. BUT but BuT bUtt i love my headset....................... I love this headset and i hate it at the same time, on one hand its great for hunting ppl down on the other hand it keeps getting me banned from alteriwnet and black ops servers. pisses me off Oh i also use cg_fov 80 added to my walk forward key, so my field of view is increased like you can do in black ops or cod4
  7. It's Chairman Mao Thanks for the reply and sorry if i came across as EXTREMELY ANNOYED but i really hate hackers and being accused of one . Alot of the time i do look extremely suspiscious but i do play call of duty way too much coz im jobless, about 6-8 hours a day since cod4 release.
  8. Sup guys. Firstly nice servers for Modern Warfare 2, especially the Arena gametype. You probably heard this before but im starting to get god damn annoyed about be kicked off your server because you think i wallhack, i have a 5.1 surround sound headset cranked all the way with no Bass so i can hear pretty much everything that goes and i allways keep an eye on my mini map for gunshots, i can hear everything from grass rustling to a claymore being planted 50m away. My ingame name is Chairman Mao, i can't offer you any proof that i don't hack as that's basically impossible unless you guys sit next me when i play. All i can say don't be so quick to temp ban, not trying to tell you how to run a server but i'd like you to be more understanding of those of us that have spent alot of money on a good surround sound headset, atleast give us the benefit of the doubt. cant blame you for kicking someone that fires thru walls but i do get annoyed if im able to chase someone down thru corridoors and built up areas coz i can what way his going. Sorry if any of this offends you but your mw2 #7 arena server is the only arena server worth playing, i dont want to keep getting banned again and again coz some of you use stereo headset which have zero positional benefits
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