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Everything posted by dragonfury

  1. We were playing, and when the round ended, we were stuck in the scoreboard waiting for the next map to start loading. I had to use the console disconnect command in order to be able to leave the server. Pretty annoying indeed. EDIT: 5 minutes later, map is still 'stuck'
  2. There are several spots in the maps where you can sit and look at a spawn location but people will still spawn. This is annoying.
  3. Don't you think it's a bit much when people can actually win by just staring at a spawnpoint and raping anybody there? Especially when playing on small maps it's hell. You could make a bold move and disable killstreaks. :>
  4. The current FFA server just has a too high player limit (16) It needs to be toned down. Maybe splitting into two 8 or 10-man FFA servers will work. Currently nobody on the FFA server is even playing - Everbody just camps the spawns, and since the amount of people is so high, the game will actually spawn you in somebody's crosshairs time after time after time. If you were to listen to my suggestion, I'd also like the one server to have regular killstreaks, but the other have them disabled. The killstreaks are simply too great a motivation to camp. EVERYBODY camps for killstreaks, always, ever. FFA is becoming boring due to this. One player that only ever does this, and I mean only does this, nothing else, is kakashi02said. Each game he plays the same: He runs to the best spawn-campspot and sits there as long as he can. If he dies, he'll try to run back to his spot. People like these are actually starting to win because of the ridiculous power of killstreaks. Getting an 11 streak isn't hard at all if the game is spawning enemies in bunches right in the sights of your RPD.
  5. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 16:15 GMT + 2 3 july 2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #8 FFA Name of the hacker/cheater The | Gamer Suspected Hack Blatant headshot-only aimbot Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info Blatant headshot-only lock-on aimbot.
  6. I almost only play surf on TF2. As to why, I'll give you a short description of playing payload on Team Fortress 2: Spawn. Wait 60 seconds for game setup to end. Get instantkill-backstabbed by random spy Wait 15 seconds to respawn. In other words: On regular servers you really need to wait, wait, and wait some more.
  7. Right now the FFA server could use some TLC, the hackers are literally swarming the place.
  8. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 14:50 GMT + 2 1 July 2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 FFA Name of the hacker/cheater STONFLEK Suspected Hack Aimbot Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info Blatant headshot-only snap-on aimbot. Easy one.
  9. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 14:40 GMT + 2 1 July 2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 FFA Name of the hacker/cheater headshot Suspected Hack Aimbot, blatant, headshots-only through walls etc, snap-on aim Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info This is an easy one - The guy has snap-on headshot-only aim, through walls etc.
  10. There's lots of hacks going on there. By the time an admin has responded to my hacker report the hacker is usually already gone. Isn't there some way to call for an admin in a faster way? The hackers come in all sorts of variations - Some have blatant headshot-only aimbots, while others just have wallhacks that they try to hide.
  11. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 15:16 GMT + 2 19 june 2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #8 FFA Name of the hacker/cheater MENTAL ASSASIN Suspected Hack WH Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info Wallhack, he tries to hide it but one time he even tracked me through a roof firing at me all the time. He's constantly aware of everyone around him's positions and keeps shooting even if you go behind a wall.
  12. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 13:00 GMT + 2 15 june 2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 FFA Name of the hacker/cheater SAMSUNG Suspected Hack WH, norecoil Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info firing an RPD + FMJ without even the slightest bit of recoil, pre-aiming at people, aiming at people through walls, etc.
  13. What? Please clarify, since I was already looking for a subforum/topic where to do it, but didn't find any. EDIT: Found it
  14. I'll just do this in the thread I've already started Subject: RCON Application Your in-game nick: Dragonfury Your EpicDot.com nick: dragonfury Your Country: Your xFire (if any): slayordaano Your MSN/Live ID (if any): dragon--fury@live.nl (e-mail only, dont use MSN) (note that the two - isn't a typo) Your Steam ID (if any): none Do you know any |ED| rcon/admins?: Nope Do you have any past admin/rcon experience? (not necessary): Yes, quite some, and will provide if asked. Why would you like to apply?: Seeing as I've read there is a shortage of admins, and the quite large amount of hackers in-game, I figured I'd give it a go. Which server(s) do you normally play on?: Your FFA server, sometimes TDM or objective games. Never S&D.
  15. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 18L01 GMT + 2 14-june-2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? FFA Name of the hacker/cheater GK 41 Suspected Hack Aimbot, blatant Your In-Game Nick Dragonfury Your xFire (if any) slayordaano Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info Instant snap-on headshots while rapid-firing his recoilless FAL. In other words, blatant.
  16. I can give you a few people you can ask if I'm a good admin . Since I can say whatever I want to, it's not going to prove my worth. Although not on every one of the admin positions I've had though, since I'm not still in contact with some of them anymore.
  17. Really? Where? Not that I feel power-hungry, but I think I'm capable of fulfilling the role. I have some admining experience already. I could give more details on the application itself:P Btw, is it a problem that I used an account editor to get all the custom class slots and camo's, etc?
  18. Just popping in here to tell you the FFA server you host had a bit of a weird thing roughly half an hour ago. In the middle of a full game, it seems some kind of bug occurred that kept crashing all the players' games, which lasted for about 5 minutes. After the bug was gone and my rejoin was successfull, the server was empty of players, but still running FFA on the same map. I forgot to take screenshots of my aIW console at the time, sorry. Is there some way this crash can be player-caused? Since I'm (a wee bit, mind you!) suspecting of one particular player. Also, I hear your servers are low on admins, isn't this an issue with all the hacking going on in aIW MW2?
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