The current FFA server just has a too high player limit (16) It needs to be toned down. Maybe splitting into two 8 or 10-man FFA servers will work. Currently nobody on the FFA server is even playing - Everbody just camps the spawns, and since the amount of people is so high, the game will actually spawn you in somebody's crosshairs time after time after time. If you were to listen to my suggestion, I'd also like the one server to have regular killstreaks, but the other have them disabled. The killstreaks are simply too great a motivation to camp. EVERYBODY camps for killstreaks, always, ever. FFA is becoming boring due to this.
One player that only ever does this, and I mean only does this, nothing else, is kakashi02said. Each game he plays the same: He runs to the best spawn-campspot and sits there as long as he can. If he dies, he'll try to run back to his spot.
People like these are actually starting to win because of the ridiculous power of killstreaks. Getting an 11 streak isn't hard at all if the game is spawning enemies in bunches right in the sights of your RPD.