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Everything posted by woof

  1. Actually James... am pretty sure u will enjoy..... its one of the most liked FPS games... and everyone who plays it says its fun .... its the 2nd most played FPS game .... check Steam Stats XD... it has exceeded CS on steam stats......... XD.... i havent played it yet myself.... but people actually love TF2....
  2. Q. How much of the game can I play without paying anything? The entire game can be played without making a purchase. All game modes, classes, and maps are available. Nearly every weapon is available through achievements, drops, or crafting. Well as far as the above thing is there.... .... am happy with free to play XD....
  3. hahahaha ^^^^^^ so stuart my man is in too
  4. hmmmm so they started the differences of Premium and Free Accounts.... -.- damn u TF2 ... well anyways who cares XD.... hehehehe we will just play it for fun.... XD...
  5. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Kids and kids ..... so as we all know Team Fortress 2 is a free 2 play game now... and many people r planning to start playing Team Fortress 2.... so i wanna know how people already play or are gonna start playing Team Fortress 2.... those who play or are gonna start playing... please post ur nicks in this thread... so that we know how many players we have Players: 1-Matthew_pov 2-woof 3-JazzyColoUrs 4-Stiuart 5-TheMoS 6-wattz 7-Dmjoe 8-Dominic Elkins
  6. Ohohohoho.... welcome to TeamSpeak bro
  7. woof


    yeah.... maximum FPS needed to play a game smoothly are 60FPS.... so if u even have 61FPS... ... thats perfect
  8. i see no point of removing GL from the server..... why remove something added by Game Developers.... :S.... its like removing Tanks from BF BC2.... why cx it can kill u easier while its not that easy to kill a tank...... those people who have get mad just cx they got killed by a GL.... well i see no point of getting mad.... cx either bullet or GL u have to die in the game.... :S.... and about OMA... well..... i agree its unfair using OMA with GL.... but its not much of a headache.....
  9. Totally agreed with whoops.... GL is an attachment.... if u call GL attachment noob tubing... then it should be the same for all the attachments :S..... and about practice well u do need skills... and practice to get better at noob tubing.... cx not everyone can noob tube .... for example take SQUNIK.... i think hes one of the good tubers ... and not even a Tuber can fight with him when he starts tubing... so whts that called ?.... and as i said... if u think Tubing is Noob... well if u r so pro why cant u avoid it and tackle tubers :S... and kill them before they tube u :S.... Slowly and gradually everything will be called a NOOB.... 2-3 days back.... after a winning kill cam.... a guy was like Ah wht a noob hes using ACR.... :S.... i was like wth.... now ACR is also NOOB.... G18 akimbo's r Noob.... one day will come that all the guns in the game will be called noob too.... :S....... MW2 is a game for fun.... and all the perks and attachments in the game are for fun.... and about others getting annoyed and pissed off... well thats their problem not mine.... if i use GL or C4 i do it for my own fun... cx i m playing for myself... am not playing to provide u entertainment and fun.... u getting pissed off and annoyed is ur problem....
  10. Well i also use GL sometimes.... only when someone else starts it ... but i never used OMA and never will use OMA .... actually i totally agree with the use of OMA.... it shouldnt be used for Tubing purpose.... but rest i think getting raged or pissed off of someone who uses his legal 2 GL's is kinda unfair. You can use ur 2 legal tubes to get some kills.... cx its fun to use GL.... but using OMA is not fun.... but still i dont think one should be raged or pissed off just cx someone uses GL.... cx its not that u always will face a Tuber.... either u die with a tube or a bullet... is the same thing.... one i dont like is people calling everyone a noob tuber also the ones who doesnt use OMA.... because whtever it is... GL is part of the game... and can be used by anyone.... its ur choice whether u use it or not.... so i think there is no point of getting pissed off cx someone uses GL... cx its just a game... and its meant to be fun.... why so serious
  11. As they say.... if u dont like a particular car just cx its gear shifting is stiff..... well... switch to a different car... .... same goes here.... u dont like OMA and Tubing.... well then switch to some other game. No offense but.... Tubing and OMA has been added in the game by Infinity Ward and Activision.... so u cant actually complain here to admins to remove that from epic servers.... I think u should make a community and try contacting Infinity Ward and Activision in this about this matter .... seriously i clearly dont get the point of complaining over something thats part of the game.
  12. TStrike | wo.Of at your service :D

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