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Everything posted by woof

  1. well mate.... as far as i know.... Epic Dot Com servers r one of the best servers out there on AlterIW..... well banning or not allowing any particular guns or perks will definitely make most of the players get upset .... because banning particular perks and guns is only a part of Match servers ..... and in public/normal servers ... everything should be allowed that actually is part of the game..... if u cant tackle those perks or guns than u need to learn how to play.....
  2. well 30FPS is pretty smooth and one cant even notice it ..... on consoles.....
  3. Thats not good..... the xbox part
  4. well how about giving away MS points .... if a member wants MS points
  5. nah i mean..... if they been running on 30FPS..... then i never noticed..... they run pretty pretty smooth..... one can hardly notice it.... unless u r playing both on PC and a Console side by side.... and also Consoles r limited to 60FPS..... but i never knew BF games were limited to 30fps So i guess i shouldnt be bothered about the 30FPS .... for BF3 either
  6. did he actually say "Battlefield games on consoles have always been running on 30 FPS " ??????
  7. it is gonna look like the trailer thats why it will be played at 30FPS.... but i think it wont feel laggy..... cx Console system can manage to play it smooth at 30FPS.... as far as i think ..... cx when u compare 60FPS on PC and then u look at 60FPS on a console.... there is hell lota difference....
  8. As most of u know that Battlefield 3 for consoles will be played at 30FPS.... So? is it good news or bad?..... will it be a good or bad experience for Console players?....
  9. i used to be a COD Fan.... and believe me i love COD..... but not anymore.... cx COD is not the same anymore..... back then COD franchise was solid.... but now its full of greedy people ..... looking for $$$$ and nothing else..... it makes me sad..... that COD is actually crapping now...... i always expected something different and unique from COD franchise..... something that would be like WOW
  10. they r ripping off... COD Fans..... but they will never admit it..... they will still be like " OMG MW3 is SO EPIC AND AWSOME "..... i mean would u actually spend 60$ on MW2 again?..... :S.... thats plain stupid.... spend 60$ for wht?... new maps, and new campaign story thats it :S... WOW.... If they used the same engine since COD 2.... still COD 4 wasnt a DLC for COD 2 or anything..... but here MW3 is like a new map pack for MW2 with just a lil bit of changes ..... but in reality MW2 = MW3.... :S... so why would someone spend 60$ on that?
  11. i cant believe.... people ( Kids ) will still fall for this trap.... and actually spend 60$ on a MW2 again.... hahahah WOW ...
  12. If they had to bring out improvements in MW2 and not develop a whole new game... then why are they calling it MW3?.... why didnt they call it " new patch for MW2"?? or an expansion pack and sell it for 10-15$ rather then selling it for 60$??... i mean seriously..... if its MW3... it means it should be a new game.... a total new game.... not just a DLC for MW2.... with some improvements..... we were looking for a pure new game..... not remake of MW2....
  13. i would still play COD 2 anytime anyday.... ... cx its a classic
  14. i love COD2.... and i love COD WAW too.... actually for me... i love WW2 games more then modern war games.... but as stuart said.... everyone has their own opinion.... and thats the right of everyone...... but to me ( my opinion ) that COD 2 was a pure COD game.... a pure FPS game..... no kill streaks, no perks, no attachments..... just pure aiming and killing..... it was a solid game..... and pretty balanced.... maps were fun too... i love toujane and carentan the most..... but COD WaW for me was more fun ..... but in the end i love both COD 2 ans COD WaW the most out of whole COD franchise....
  15. well am also not gonna buy MW3.... because its a trick by Activision to grab the attention of COD fans by using the same engine as MW2.... just and just for the sake of easy $$$$$..... they dont care about the players now... all they care about is filling their pockets.... i mean why didn't they develop a new engine rather then using MW2's engine.... cmon its a new game.... it should be new..... not just tweaked up MW2.... all cx MW2 sold pretty good..... and people loved it.... thats why they said like hey... why dont we just create another MW2 but to fool the players .... lets change the number from 2 to 3..... and wola they got a new game.... and most of COD freak fanatics are still pretty anxious about this game :S.... I would vote and pick BF3 over it anyday... cx its a new engine... and also BF is one of those games which are still made for players.... BF3 is fully action packed, loads and loads level of customization , graphics r great , overall the game is a win.... and offers a full package to the players.... so for me it will be BF3....
  16. No map shouldn't be removed.... but i must say the votemap idea is good... but there r chances that we will have to play same map for like 3-5 times until people get bored of it XD
  17. Fuel and Derail r not good.... but Strike is a nice map man.... cmon
  18. woof

    aIW update

    the new update is really buggy.... they r fixing it now... lets hope it becomes one of the good updates
  19. Radeon 6850 is quite good for both BF3 and MW3.... ... i was about to suggest u Radeon 6850 .... cx i m also planning to fetch one.... so far its one of the fine cards from Ati .....
  20. Dominic .... bro i didnt get wrong anywhere...... i dont care if u joined the server 3 days ago or 3 months back..... all i know is last night.... u started hacking the second u joined the server.... and i was there..... and frankly speaking... at that time there was no hacker except u.... so u saying u got pissed off... is really more of an excuse right now..... i got nothing against u..... but i hate hackers messing the game for us.....
  21. Oh really... u started hacking just cx u got pissed off???... wht did u actually get pissed off at??.. thats one of the lamest excuses i have ever read.... :S... think over something better then this.... u were hacking since the first second u joined the server.... so please keep ur excuses in ur pocket....
  22. Well... knock knock.... can i join this discussion.... ... well all respected people .... the thing is i m here only to discuss one of the matters already discussed.... and that is that Please dont unban Sof**inghard....... hes a regular wh and sometimes aimbot.... last night he was there hacking for more than half an hour when finally stuart responded to our reports at the shoutbox and kicked him out.... sof**inghard is one of those hackers who proudly does hacking and when they r told to stop... they start abusing ..... so i please request the admins to ban this guy permanently from ED servers. Thanks.
  23. Yeah Matthew... u should do it .... make a good Gameplay video with commentary ... it will help us make more and more people join the TF2 community
  24. hey guys.... post ur steam nicks... so that i can add u up
  25. Matthew.... i havent finished downloading it yet .... i hardly get time to download XD... cx most of the time i m just playing games XD....
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