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Everything posted by bashargc

  1. Thats too much for me . Thank you . It's not about me , but because he's a good guy . Well if you gave him that chance and he wasted it . you don't need to blame me ;D . simply perma-ban him . But he will not . The points that made you ban him can be fixed easily . Just give him the chance and unban him and you will see for yourself . Best Regards
  2. Yes , my name in game : BashaR or Bashar**GC . If shadou doesn't respect admins or other players . he wouldn't post his unban request , would he ? 2nd chance is when he does something wrong and you ban him and then forgive him and then he does the same wrong thing again . So give him the 1st chance and then think of other chances =/ . Let him have his 1st chance .. Best Regards
  3. Hello Mr Krabs , I've already read them . But he's now banned for over 1.5 month and he made a post to unban him . And for the things I've mentioned above , you should really give him another chance . Remeber that it is only a game =/ . Best Regards
  4. Hello everyone , Well this thread is about a nice friend : Shadou ( or xShadou or [PG] Shadou) I just hope you read until the end without getting annoyed . I know that he did some *''Gaming''* mistakes that not all of them are *Correct*. 1)I will begin first with Slow motion ? Guys come-on ..... it's not a script neither a hack , anyone can do it simply , me .. myself did it when i knew about it, but then we've stopped doing that . Simply if you had a killcam , all you have to do is to leave the server while in killcam slowmotion .. then the server and all the players will stay in the killcam slowmotion until the round is over and then it goes normal again . 2) Talking about firing scripts , i get called a hacker for using script by some players because they see me shoot fast and they think i'm using script , so everything weird happens at the server they call it script .. 3) 360, 720 , 1080 , claymore tricks and silent are Shadou play things , he's king of tricks . we all know it . ask any old player on the s&d server . I've been playing with him for more than 5 months and i didn't see anything but nice and pro from him . 4) Map skiping .. yes i did it too , but only when i first knew about it , so i wanted to test it .. so the same thing is with him . for all my 8 months playing on this server i saw him skipped once (i'm talking about myself). Yes he did some mistakes , but ??? He's now banned for over 1.5 month !! ? everytime he joins he wants to play , he gets banned . sometimes i tell people that i hack too, i tell them that i use wh + no recoil + aimbot but it is just for fun .. And he opened a thread to get unbanned so he wants to get back , i think you should give him another chance ? He never hacked and i'm 10000/100 sure, he's pro and so he get called hacker but he isn't . Please try to understand 1.5 month is enough for him and he doesn't deserve it . Just give him another chance . Best Regards
  5. Hello, Not only the stats file , but you have to reset the config files . here are my config files . i've changed the settings so you should have no problems . Replace these two files with your files in the Players folder in the main mw2 folder . http://www.mediafire.com/?cosf4gcggdioibk http://www.mediafire.com/?1y7r771uj7e7ubn Maybe you can download level hack to reset your level ?idk Best Regards
  6. i will move the thread to the mw2 section .
  7. Yes it must be . Please read my update above to get your game back . Best Regards
  8. Hello , Another server with the name Epicdot.com #3 is online . Do NOT enter it , it is a bugged server and caused my game to get bugged . Stats and everything you've earned will be removed . I hope you can find a fast solution. EDIT : sorry for wrong spelled title ,i had to write it fast . What will you do if you've already entered this sever : 1) Open Players folder in MW2 main folder . 2) Set sorting mode to Date Modified. 3) get this file "md202ef8d_aIW.stat" replaced by the latest stats file that end with ".bak" like "md202ef8d_10_67.bak_aIW.stat" if it didn't work replace it with an older one like "md202ef8d_10_66.bak_aIW.stat" . 4) if your got your stats back . but the game still bugged , then copy your Players folder . then reinstall the game and replace the new players folder with the old one . 5) if you still get the bugged game . then idon't know what to do =/ . EDIT : Not only the stats file , but you have to reset the config files . here are my config files . i've changed the settings so you should have no problems . Replace these two files with your files in the Players folder in the main mw2 folder . http://www.mediafire.com/?cosf4gcggdioibk http://www.mediafire.com/?1y7r771uj7e7ubn Maybe you can download level hack to reset your level ?idk Best Regards
  9. Hi guys , As icemix said , most of the shots that get a kill are around the chest , so of course he would not record a hitmark ,would he ? Best Regards
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