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Everything posted by Marcin

  1. sitting in the same place is not cheating but ok i regret that ... but U mighty baberz the legendary snipe aimboter shouldnt talk about some1 cheat or not if U the best of all cheaters ? aint Ya ?
  2. please Unban me i will play fair
  3. oh Stiuart belive i have Life i think its batter than Urs and i working with Computer ... so stop talking abute private life .. true hurts isnt it ? and stop QQ and talkin U dont have Priv life ... i have family .. bla bla ... its boring...
  4. i dont have Problem Bro ... i just said :)Do Ur job .... Coz in Whoops eyes i didnt but its funny coz i checking server from 10 am to 2 am all the time ... so i think it money problem
  5. Mos not my problem Ur an Admin It Ur job if some1 raporting one person from an 1h it is so hard to turn on IE and enter RCON pass and banned him ...? If Ur admin U should checking server foe each 15 min .. all 9 ed servers the talk is end here If U cant do that job just leave...
  6. Yeap but maybe when Admins will be faster than turtle that situation has never happened
  7. no sikorsky dont do that.. both know U was clear and 100% admins here who work "very good" i mean we report at 1 pm and som1 appers at 4 pm .... and ask is that hacker still here.... Dont Go Bro we made clan xD or we join to U and kill all cheaters
  8. Yeah Sikorsky is Clear more over Whoops look at this... U said I dont work as u expected .. but when i was working .. always checking server ... and Arena like other servre was Clear from cheaters now it is big on Land of cheaters i hope U change Ur mind
  9. dude when some has ninja and CB is unseeable on UVA more over ppl saying U have wh coz complaing on U ... and U killed guy with ninja without UVA and that dude even move a step ... so stop Crying
  10. dude stop crying U use wh ? U know where ppl with coold blood and ninja are more Over Ur abel to kill some1 when Ur stuned and see nothing ... so dont lie me here U have good headset ... and all ppl when U played are saying U have WH so hello ? i dont belive U anymore so when some1 told me U walling I check U and more over bro U telling U have good headset but that headset gives U a skill to seeing through the wall? and why some other admin than me is online U have stats 5 death 5 kills etc... and when he goes Your stats are 10-2 ? So dont say bullshit Ur have good headset .... for me Ur Ip should be Perm banned
  11. what do Ya mean by noobtubing ? Noobs who are tubing or good Players who have fun and that's why they tubning ?
  12. we have 2 options 1- he cheated and his shame and pride are to strong to talk with us 2. he never cheated and thats his skill and we doubt it... we let him down and he is sad... i strogly belive in this guy BaberZz For Me Ur god of snipe Farewell bro and keep killing those noobs and dont care what PPL saying:)
  13. dunno maybe he was cheating .or not and thats why he closed Up ? maybe he was cought or maybe he is angry ? ... who knows ? maybe BaberZz tells us ?
  14. For me its skill why? turn Aim and try to move Ur mouse when that shit works... and that freakly jumping and chagning targets ... i think some1 is jealous
  15. LOL ... baberz is 100 % clear Guy ... imagine that U'r running with snipe in all games .. and Ur aiming is batter than any1 else... for Ya It looks like aim bot but ... QS and HS are mutch worst than any aim bot.. why ? coz if some1 has fast rection Ur doomed .. thats not aim bot thats baberzz skill.. L2p and played with snipe same time as baberzz ... One more thing ... QS >Aim bot, fast HS>Aim bot... so dont by funny .. IF u wanna banned baberzz baned all snipers.. thats my opinion
  16. I've seen this too and i must said Vampire without eyes xD it's something new
  17. I'm wating for it !! True blood HBO production as we know ... Voilent and sex those 2 things are most visable in HBO serials BUT as i said they are cool
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