This thread is not about whether or not you did/did'nt hack, so lets keep it to the subject please guys. Think enough threads have gone off subject, dont you?
All of the main gaming/mod communities say that they will never have Battlefield servers that run from non-legit. In my opinion its well worth buying anyway, so get your cash out and get it bought
got mine from here :
Hi Hyp
There are only unranked servers for MW3 so most of the time a few of us come together for a game. Add me on Steam and i can send you an invite next time
Yeah im sure BF3 will be free to play online, in about 15 years or maybe 20 years LMFAO and on a more serious note, do you really expect it for free??????
Get Battlefield 3 installed and come and kick some ass with me and ninja. Gotta be better than standing in a queue waiting to see what your gonna be waving your wand at next
Finally got round to cooking this recipe last night. WOW they're absolutely delicious, i would recommend anyone who likes seafood to try this recipe, very refreshing, sweet and tasty. Focked thnx alot man it made my day
Hi Oliver2511, thnx for the post.All killstreaks are allowed on Epicdot servers.Its possible its glitch or maybe a problem with the servers.The problem will be looked into im sure, thnx for the report