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Everything posted by Efan

  1. I agree, but they did this in response to the team kills by baberz ... they killed only Baberzz, only 1 or 2 times .. And why can not I see the log here, where you insult all of whom you want? Everyone wants to play where they like to play. The fact that you do not like someone else's company, does not mean that you can get rid of them without reason ... Humans are capable of much, but it is low, when you hide your bad behavior and complain about other people's ... proof of my words ... http://www.epicdot.com/forum/showthread.php?1083-Breiz-and-Icemix-trolling-for-fun...&p=5089#post5089
  2. In addition, they insulting me all the time ... I'm tired of this ... advise me how I can secure a comfortable game without trolling and insults ...??
  3. agree, very fairly. I choose this "You will play like a normal person ? Play." thanks.
  4. Up Last edited by Efan; 27-06-2011 at 03:11 AM.
  5. I know. But if the forum has a section where you can write about the problem, then why not try? You're right. My fault. I can play on the ED or not? Just ask one thing. If not, I'll leave you alone forever.
  6. I did what I did. not going to apologize. I just want answers. Nothing more! At the same time it helps me with English.
  7. Yes i did itl. But not a few, only one. http://www.epicdot.com/forum/showthread.php?754-Admin-abusing&highlight=Efan I'm not asking any1 to allow me to play. I want to get answers to the questions! OMG, Why?????? (((( Keep it for yourself!
  8. talk about what? He, like baberz argue that I'm malicious teamkiller. The real reason is that they just do not like me. He, or someone else - what's the difference? I just want to to know a way for me is closed (permanently or for a while) or open. p.s. Oh, God, as if I a aimbot. Although probably better if I was them ))
  9. S&D, time and date? Yesterday or the day before. Time does not remember, especially if converted to Greenwich. anyway, it goes on for at least 2 months.
  10. wait a moment Did not find anyone to answer, except cheaters? Fortunately now people have less trust in your lies. At least I hope so. It is difficult to change it? I just do not like to cheat (you could not understand me). you should have to begin and end with this
  11. Answer me someone, I banned or what? Give me an eternal ban, Or let me play. What kind of vendetta this?) In the extreme case I change my nickname again. I think this one will not suit! p.s. everyone loves ForzaJuve!, people want to play with me! It's true!)
  12. Привет Читер!)

  13. why I'm still kicking?

  14. oh, that's the real reason? Well if so, then no problem, and the players (cannon fodders for he) would understand. and here no one is discussing his personal qualities. probably he's a good guy and friend, but the fact that he led by the nose (lied) friends, comrades and the people to whom he was most responsible (the players) do not give him honor. keep moving, with or without him.
  15. Stop living in your own dreams;) Believe what you want, but people can not take aim and bring in 2 frames (0.08 seconds) aim at a specific location. Once I saw how he had killed one player. he made 360 * 2, and fired a shot at the moment when a player ran out of the wall. "WH?" someone asked. He said no, and added that the video will be on his page and everyone can see it. but then I did not find the video with the murder on his YouTube page. As I said before, even my great-grandfather said that baberzz cheater I hope after this, people understand that double-Ranger is much better than cheats. and stop calling me noob (or someone else with a GL or UMP):mad::oops::mad: By the way guys, let us not rejoice in the misfortunes of others ... I'll do it without you:D:D:D Hey, and do not give me a slap Like it or not, but the truth still in the end better than lies. ForzaJuve!
  16. poor BaberzZ))) who is next?))
  17. I was offended. "dick" with you guys... Impulse , get some sex)
  18. tonight I'll try to go to the server.
  19. actually I'm from the beginning understand what you said (lied). I understand that you're going to kick me as soon as you see. in this I ask, or give me a sentence for a limited time, or give eternal ban.-to I do not tempt myself in order to change the nickname Write to the facts, not emotions!
  20. swear that I am ... blah blah blah. Who needs all this? 1) You're lying 2) But you can say any sort of nonsense 3) All will be as you want 4) I know that such an abuse, but surely no man among you? where is your honesty? Oh, how nice, thank you. Interesting in the fact that BaberzZ never warned and never kick me before (says "I changed my name and joined the server ...") If there are any logs that when I was kicked and for what reason, I would like to look at them. What penalty for this?
  21. xShockwav3z, I would be happy if google translate translate what you wrote ... sry, but i dont know what is bs?!
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