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Posts posted by Efan

  1. secret places like Out of map(westland,afghan,bilaut,terminal,karatchi...its example), i can shot Rapid fire with Desert without Scripts.i have Button if u press 1 time,in game it shot 3 times.simple i press 3 times and Deagle is Empty in a second.

    Triple shot is delayed before each shot . quicker to use a regular button to fire .at least my mouse does that

  2. With some people, it is interesting to talk, argue, quarrel, but not with you Baberz...

    I am King... and if you think that here I am talking about delusions of grandeur, then you thinking too narrowly

    Yehhh boii, online gang, seems legit. trolol

    you know how to troll ! Good boy!

    Posted Image

    I couldnt return it into topic about me, if Haxor wouldnt put photos ''glitches'' with me, btw, ikr my grammar is bad

    To whom all this should be interesting? You are guilty, you're wrong, you tread the same mistake, you're just wasting time of ur life.
  3. For which kind of player is that unfair? For the One man army danger close tube players? For the ones rushing with ninja ump silenced ranger akimbo?

    Hey, I'm not playing on the server anymore, enough to remember Akimbo Rangers)

    BTW, Your problems started when you got in touch with baberz and his gang

    I remember your skill before and after, and instead of admins I would act definitely the same way

    very easy to hide the fact that you are using scripts, no one can prove it, but I can only praise the admins, because it does not stop them to ban you

    If the indicator of your abilities has been my laughter, then you would become the greatest player ever

    I am King ))

  4. Have you even read the rules of ED servers? Spamming is not allowed yet you do it regardles of reasons for you doing it should i explain that?

    In this matter I am wrong. To be honest, I had no idea that my phrase is not acceptable level of spam.

    Becoming a year older is not imortant here, you accusing us of being Islamaphobes is imprtant. How dare you accuse me of being anything other than fair.

    apparently you do not properly understand my words. perhaps incorrectly translated. I'm sorry. I said it to give you an example.

    Is it fair if I tell that you all Islamophobes, because you do not properly punish people who insult Islam!? - make such inferences - is absurd. I'm right?

    and more than likely as other people have pointed out in the threads YOU made you actually start all of this. - make such inferences - is absurd too. I'm right?

    I hope this is more understandable

    I only said that the baseless reasoning is wrong.

    You write in and complain of players and we reacted, i see that as being fair and doing what is right, i dont however see what you have done is right.

    I'm not saying that I am right when i insulted Blame. I just said that I did not initiate the incident.

    Unfortunatley i have not been there when you have been "the victim"...

    Did you asked Hyperion about what I've described? I hope we are talking about specific things and not about abstract things

    I realise your English is not the best but im not quite sure what you are trying to say there?

    1) Do not make unwarranted conclusions (I'm not talking about rules. I broke them many times.)

    2) I tried to prove to you that I was not the first who started all this sh..t

    2 wrongs dont make a right forza

    It is true

    Forza - Stop abusing people and play. if others abuse you - report it. End of story.

    can I just as Blame offend the parents and the religion of others and get deserve for it just a kick? If not, why he can?

    Forza, now you are getting reported by abusing, haha, damn traitor

    See Krabs? I broke the rules, I am willing to suffer for this punishment. I can apologize to some of the victims, but where is the guarantee that the people who started it all (I3lame) did not start insulting me again?

    By the way, let's quickly decide who is right who is wrong. I want to play, but not in a place where everyone think that I piece of shit)

  5. Also the constant spamming of "I am King" and then asking players to say forza is king 3 times and you will stop or leave.

    come on Krabs ))). If you witnessed the incident, then you should have noticed the not unimportant point.

    Favela. I rush with the Rangers. One of the players asked to stop doing it. I dont stopped (because I can, right?). Then he asked me to leave the game. I said to him "ill levae if u say to me ''Forza is ^1King^7...'' ))" He said no, I smiled. thats all.

    Gosh, should I explain all this?)

    and more than likely as other people have pointed out in the threads YOU made you actually start all of this.

    Happy Birthday mr.krabs, even becoming a year older, you accuse me of making no fair inference. Is it fair if I tell that you all Islamophobes, because you do not properly punish people who insult Islam!? Obviously not. And The same about you.

    Do not expect an instant reply from myself if you ever ask us to check on players who are abusing you because i would be more inclined to believe them than you from what i witnessed.


    Hyp3rion, He was a witness to the fact that Blames said. And he kicked him. The next day I went to the server and again saw him.

    chronology: 1) he insults the religion, and my parents. I did not answer, but wrote to you on the forum. 2) he does it again (Hyp3rion saw) 3) I was embarrassed by the fact that he is still allowed to play. And I decided to repay him in kind. (im not sure about translation)

    As u can see I did not start it. So you can trust me again, and can be on my side. no, wait, I think that I do not need people who demand of me proof, but at the same time do not require evidence from others (and more than likely as other people have pointed out in the threads YOU made you actually start all of this.)

    And do you know the funny thing? This thread was not even about you and now you have made it all about forza, well done for sticking your nose in.

    Apparently i so stupid that I did not realize that you "know" a lot... OMG ) And who knows, maybe I just stole the attention from the fundamental problem?))

    No, I do not consider myself smarter than you krabs.

    btw Hyp3rion I'm sorry that you had to involve here, in any case for some peoples I'll be a traitor

  6. is not the point. I do not blame you that you're not doing anything, you're doing, and quite a lot. But all of it may went to hell, if I have to constantly be a target for attack. How many times must I endure the humiliation from one and the same person, how many times he can insult my religion?

    2Krabs. If you think that I had some delusions of grandeur, then you are mistaken. I suggested that the shadow must apologize, because others have seen that for the second chance they will not be enough simply to ask obout it, they will need to apologize. this is a huge incentive to refrain from insults.

  7. Man i pray for those kind of people just to know the Meaning of having a Mother . before insulting others.


    Oh, do not worry, I'm no worse than you know what it is. As I have said once, I try to ignore people who insult my parents. but this rule does not apply to permanent members of Ed

    not very shocked were you when these guys have expressed the same thing about me.

    You know, for me it makes no difference, they once insulted my parents, or a hundred times. It's as if you got a bullet in your heart, then you too would not care one bullet or thousands of them.

    since you can not punish these guys, why do not I try to make them as hurt like they did to me?

    Forgot to add, that guy has been warned about the fact that he offended Muslims. But these days he continued to do the same. Fokedup, tell me, what would be waiting for me if I insulted your parents and your religion? The answer is obvious. How is it turns out, "Oh it's just Forza, do not worry, these guys are just insulted his parents and religion." ?

  8. you had to start with this. . .

    There are three sides to whom I can apologize:

    -Players who do not like being in a public place (server) and see similar things.

    I'm really sorry that some people had to be a witness to my words without their will

    -Site Leaders

    likely, and you deserve an apology for my words, which harm the reputation of the site

    From your words I understand that epic dot is something more than just a server and the forum is a community that is not deprived of human relationships among its participants. This is very interesting, I certainly can apologize to you guys, but will it be rightly? what did you do to protect me from the insults? Blame from time to time may afford considered bad form in my address. Funny situation\nonsense with Phoenix. He called himself a Nazi, but when I asked why, he started to insult me ​​...

    on the basis of all this, something inside me will not allow me to apologize to you. maybe I'm wrong, but this is what I am - I'm for justice!

    -And of course the recipient of my words

    I will never, under any circumstances, do not apologize to them. (Phoenix and Blame)

    even if they come here and apologize first, I will not do the same thing. Because I know what kind of people they are, without any moral values, and an apology from these individuals is worse than a slap.


    If you continue to position the site as a community with rights and responsibilities of individual participants, I would like to see you and I promised each other something that:

    -I promise to behave more decently

    -you can promise that you will try to protect me from the regular expressions in my address.

  9. If shadou doesn't respect admins or other players . he wouldn't post his unban request , would he ?

    sorry for being interfere with your conversation, but I have something to add.

    Bashar, what do you think about the fact that during his apology, he tries to blame everything on me?

    Shadou: anyway some traitors like Forza just report those players which he dont like because he think i've got hacks or scripts

    I do not know how about others, but I'm sure he does not respect me. Probably just me and the admins know that I'm complaining about him only once, but for some reason every time we meet (shadou and me), he continues to say the same things "Forza, go ahead, call admins" ...

    I'm sure you know what I was worried about. You've seen it. Moreover, some other players, believing in his word, also began to address me in such a context. (not sure that here my thoughts will be clear to you \\\GT)

    I personally would like to see another good player playing on the server. it would be more interesting to play. but no one would have liked that someone offends him. Of course the admins decide who can play and who cant, but if they decide to give him another chance, I'd like to hear from him a public apology for his words and behavior towards me...

  10. anyway some traitors like Forza just report those players which he dont like because he think i've got hacks or scripts

    1) Icemix - I complained to Icemix because he with friends insulted me too much. I did not care that he trolls me on video which I put ... I took this step because he unfairly complain about the Badr and Loay. and of course played a role lies which he said about me when I get banned

    2) xShadou - you have offended me no less than Icemix, but I did not care so long as you have not crossed the border and began to insult my parents ...

    3) [T-Bag] clan - There is nothing to explain, all seen on video

    4) Blame and Kolanas69 - These guys Islamophobes, and they did not try to hide it by insulting Islam and Muslims

    they have too narrow thinking if they believe in the propaganda of Islamophobia. Of course it would be naive to think that we could get them to shut their mouths. for this reason I complained to them

    Sure, I personally dislike all of these people. could it be otherwise? Some of you may offend, some troll, others kill teammates...

    But they all have one plus, they promised to be better. But not you.

    You call yourself a professional in the game, why do not you "professional" in real life? Where is your dignity? A few days ago you said that I lick admins ass, you said that my only friends - admins. Why did you turn away from the path? What made you come here and grovel in front of everyone?

    You say I'm complaining without reason, you better tell me the reason for your hatred of me? why in every post mentioned my name?

    I advise you to forget who is Forza. Without me, your words would have seemed less ridiculous and naive.

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