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mr krabs

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Everything posted by mr krabs

  1. Guess I'm just secretary
  2.  what a numpty I am, sometimes the obvious is hard to see.
  3. Am I missing a joke here? Or you just posting about the fact the shoutbox is being used? Please help a confused old man
  4. Sikorsky i dont got xfire :( i used to but i forgot what it was now. sill see if i can remember

  5. Ok m8e will see ya later 

  6. Hey Marcin, give the guys time and they will make a decision, I have noticed that people that keep pestering tend not to get in. So just wait for a message to let you know if you get it or not 

  7. So I decided my page was a bit blank, don't want to be a complete cod nerd but thought I would add some pretty mw2 pics so here we go

    Ok so that failed  but I am doing this from my phone so let me off this time. Will jazz it up when I get home.

  8. And just what attracts you to this programme exactly? Is it the fearsome blood sucking vampires or women ripping their clothes off at every opportunity for a blood sucking orgy? 
  9. haxor you kicked the wrong guy, my son was playing on that server also, we need to be sure on who we are kicking else we can get a bad name! just a heads up matey ;)

  10. you know sometimes i think he does turn on a hack but not always, just when he gets owned, but all the same remember we are on trial at the moment!

    And well done on becoming admin ;)

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