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mr krabs

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Everything posted by mr krabs

  1. I just read that back, I sound like a complete psycho!!!!

  2. Matt we gotta go on another knife rampage soon, I got a hard drive that needs filling up with some knife action! Let me know when you got some time buddy ;)

  3. Best bet is to look on my wall and see what you posted!
  4. Hi dragonfury, I understand your frustration, but I do try to pop in as often as possible when online. I have kicked alot of people from the server before even when no one has reported a hacker. The problem is if people don't advise us someone is hacking it is assumed that things are okay. If people were more like yourself and reported it would make things so much easier. I will make a bigger effort to try to pop in on a more regular basis for you.
  5. Maybe Whoops read the post you put on my wall? Although you thought it was probably a private message unfortunately a few people have read what you did when you first became admin!
  6. I can only assume Whoops has read the messages you have sent but if you have put that you "demand" a reply that Whoops would not answer to such a request.
  7. You started this Thread off with such promise and then watched it all go down hill from there! Why did you have to take it so personally?
  8. I have banned Sikorsky before for hacking when he was "Hunting" but how can i keep an eye on two people who are hacking? The one time when i banned sikorsky i did not see at first the hacking that the other person did. It is up to the admins to do the kick/ban not for the players to take things into their own hands.
  9. Wow! Sikorsky must mean alot to this guy. I bet sofakinhard is laughing his head off at this. To him he has probably got the best result possible. You see where hacking gets you.....nowhere with zero respect. Bravo marcin bravo.
  10. Has everyone just turned dumb overnight? Does noone understand that just because someone is hacking they think it's ok to turn on hacks as and when they please. This just makes that person as bad as the other. I fully understand it was done with the best intentions but as they say two wrongs don't make a right.
  11. Thanks for that matt but occasionally I do go on undercover but sometimes just the presence of an admin can be enough. If that stops that player from hacking then great. Sure I know he/she will turn that hack on when I leave but people will always be sneaky when they cheat. So from now on I guess I will be detective Krabs from now on!
  12. Marcin, firstly I never have and never will use hacks, secondly you should if read the admin rules section before you took the actions you did. Had you of followed the simple rules maybe I would not of had to of said this to you.

  13. Do you know if you are gunna become admin yet?

  14. Problem is once someone is called a cheater and evidence is shown it's preaty hard to try and prove otherwise. Even if he is legit how is he gunna be able to clear his name? Recording one game will never be enough for some people, he will always be scrutinised legit or not.
  15. Can we edit this Threads name, I was dissapointed when I got to it that it was not about hairdressers!
  16. If they had made it that oma could only be used to change to each of your classes once it might of worked but as is it is in my opinion broken in that respect. More thought should of and could of gone into this game before it was released!
  17. Hyperion I'm sorry I did not add you earlier, had to make sure I liked you first ;)

  18. Did not think of that razz but I think the bids have been removed now have they not? Did anyone download it? And has anyone else already tried to watch frame by frame?
  19. Damn I guess I been a bit naive thinking aimbots were just short sharp kills with one press of the mouse. A new perspective on aimbotting for me to study. YouTube here I come!
  20. I have not heard of those before, guess I better do some homework to see the sort of stuff I should be looking for!
  21. All I'm saying is that I have seen skilled qs ers, but when you see that in slow mo the reaction is not quite right. I don't think anyone is able to adjust the slightest bit to be right on target. It is to fast for a tiny adjustment such as that. I think from now on people I am suspicious of will be recorded and analysed then banned the next time I see them!
  22. Guess any qs I'm gunna be suspicious of now!
  23. Very pretty computer, love the lights
  24. Alienware specs coming up with pictures if you like. Gotta wait for tonight though.
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