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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. Finally new maps Thanks, i hope it will work
  2. Yes restarted again now
  3. The #5 Domination server is restarting very often
  4. Hmm i didnt expect you to admit it, that`s nice of you. But why did you try to lie us? So you cheated on many ED servers not only FFA! Sorry mate but i don`t trust you.
  5. You cheated only in FFA server? How about your other nicknames? ( Johnny McBrav ; nimdA ; I phuck kids ; BaBerZz! ; Kanker HOMO ; Yag.upde[kcof] ; Aliens ; gangstahGAY)
  6. Enough is enough! He had a second chance and he didnt get any better, he continued to insult and swear. My answer to this thread is NO.
  7. http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/4030/barracksm.jpg[/IMG[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.usI have these stats since September 2010
  8. I agree 100% with Stiuart he deserves it, maybe he will calm down now. Haxor has a very bad language ingame and destrothet don`t try to explain that insulting others and swearing is a good thing! Is it so hard to be civilized and to respect others?. He should visit a doctor if he cant control his nerves or he should stop playing video games! When i rage, i simply leave the game without insulting other players, screaming or punching the desk/keyboard etc.
  9. Rofl this is mw2 with new maps, i cant believe they will release this after 2 years. MW3= Money wasted 3rd time!
  10. Guys we have to create some kind of blacklist or a thread on Rcon t10 so the trial rcons should know who is banned on sight. Till now we have 4 players on the blacklist(prodiigy, baberzz, badr_fighter and badr_loay) or am i wrong?
  11. The 2 gb version is a great choice Flashing is about luck not every card is stable after flashing
  12. I`m also very satisfied with amd/ati. I suggest you to buy Sapphire HD 6950 its cheaper and 5-10% better then stock gtx 560. I also don`t recommend you to buy factory overclocked cards many are causing problems and fail often.
  13. alterOps seems stable now i can connect whenever i want, the empty server list problem is also fixed and the dlc`s are working i played today some maps I recorded my gameplay so you can see no lag at all (just a few fps drops caused by fraps) sorry for the bad quality youtube sucks :| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGfjA85j0k0&feature=channel_video_title
  14. Remember what? Don`t lie i didnt told you that. Campers are campers ks 11 wont make any difference
  15. Haxor seriously where did you read that?
  16. Trains where are you ? xD

  17. No its not stable... the same problems as before
  18. Toper that`s not alterops...
  19. I reinstalled the game with no dlc`s and update and voila, its still bugged but playable. In this video you can see some bugs ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGmXc4su_9g&feature=channel_video_title @1:34 i was like WTF it worked 2 minutes ago LOL. I also meet Jeremych xD
  20. I`m getting the same message, i checked http://alterops.net/ and it says "Server Online" thats strange.
  21. The server is down, i`m curios if i can find any servers with their version... Wattz can you find any servers?
  22. I`m downloading now their version of BO maybe it works, with the skidrow version i cant find any servers :| http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?t=81880&f=4
  23. Next time watch your language and you wont be kicked. I kicked you (not banned) for insulting me and others, not for cheating. I warned you and you continued to insult and flame .Why where you so offended when phoenix told me about many hackers today? Are you one of them? ( he didnt mention your name). I didnt kick you for saying "what you gonna do". "At first I figured it was probably some random with his BF on the serv." Even here on forum you continue to insult and flame! Read carefully and dont do it again! - Bad/ Offensive language not allowed - Respect EpicDot.com ADMINS, they are doing this for FREE so that YOU can enjoy a NICE game - Respect ALL players, they just want a good game and did not come here to be abused
  24. +1 for Htc Desire HD. I have the Htc Desire Z and i`m very satisfied with it!
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