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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. I`ve tested the Domination server everything is back to normal, and yes Gazz is right the gameplay is very smooth since you installed the SSD! I dont understand why on domination server i have 95-97-106 ping and on FFA i have 86-93. Thanks again Whoops and keep up the great work!
  2. Can you add that option to the poll? I cant edit it.
  3. I have nothing against gl or oma, the problem is when too many players are using gl then it gets lame! They make me rage quit Gl+oma is very annoying in search and destroy or arena.
  4. What bothers you the most? GL, OMA or both?
  5. I dont have any problems with the style, the website loads great it not slow anymore
  6. Speechless, awesome gameplay!!! I think this is the future of gaming
  7. Haxor is a haxor Try to upgrade or downgrade your VGA driver
  8. V3NOM

    Forum Slow?

    Today the forum is very slow for me. My connection seems ok, other websites are loading fine.
  9. Domination has the same problem. Today the server had some random lags and also restarted once
  10. Some people change, but you never change... I tried to talk with you yesterday in game but it was a waste of time. [ 8008531] (Dead)gangstah^7: ^7so venom [ 8011716] (Dead)gangstah^7: ^7u probably know me [ 8022522] V3NOM^7: ^7yes i do [ 8029732] gangstah^7: ^7why u wanna ban me man [ 8043122] V3NOM^7: ^7have you read the server rules? [ 8049740] gangstah^7: ^7nah [ 8057327] (Dead)V3NOM^7: ^7why? [ 8080018] gangstah^7: ^7do you read ingredients manual from your fav snack?
  11. Sorry for the late reply, i was very busy and when i had some free time the server was empty #5 Domination works great seems more stable as before The only problem left is auto balance, its disabled. Keep up the great work Whoops
  12. Do you have some problems with reading or something? Go back to page 2 (on this thread) and read all posts!
  13. You are banned on sight that`s the reason. We have solid proof that you abused other players many times.
  14. The funny thing is that you call yourself loyal to ED servers
  15. Gangstah you made a bad decision with this thread, you learned your lesson the hard way as mr krabs wrote.
  16. Should i add him to the list? He deserves it for his language! The screenshots posted by wattz are telling everything...
  17. #5 Dominantion has the following problems: 1. Score is set to 200 instead of 400 with 15 min`s time limit 2. Spectating is disabled 3. There is no map rotation, Afghan only. 4. Kill streak 11 is disabled. 5. The server has now 18 slots, before it had 16.
  18. http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/6559/nukeb4g7f.jpg[/IMG[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us Game over guys
  19. Not good IMO we should keep mw2 servers till alterops final version is released after that we should focus on BO servers. Many players are already bored of mw2.
  20. ED #1; #2; #5 and #8 are offline
  21. Shadou i don`t understand you, why are you still here after calling us epicsh**? They are many snd servers out there why do you still try to play on our servers when you don`t like them? Someone who tries to have a good game and keep the servers clear of abusers, cheaters and bad/ offensive language is called a traitor? LOL
  22. This post is solid proof why you are banned on sight, is it impossible to be polite nowadays?! MoS tried to give you another chance your answer was "dddddddddddddddd" In that video posted by MoS i see no pro , i see someone abusing the Intervention because if he fires normally he can`t hit. I don`t understand why 90% of people like you don`t try to change till they can.Thanks for the screenshots Haxor and please stop flaming on forum.
  23. Ok thanks I hope they wont make me to call them again and tell them about their "great" services
  24. Mw2 domination is still restarting but not so often as before The new map rotation is great thanks again Whoops . Today i had some ping problems, usually i have 80-90 ping today i had 120, was it my isp`s fault?
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