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Everything posted by kolard

  1. whell if my opinion is worth something than let him play and the question isnt is he banned ore not becouse he isnt. the question is will u ban him ore let him play?
  2. Oh sorry i ment that he can play becouse no perm ban but he cant becouse he gets a kick and again he can and no one knows why he gets kicked ore who is doying that and again he shouldnt be able to play becouse temp ban, but he is becouse despite the temp ban he was able to connect to the server guys make up ur mind perm ban ore just let him play
  3. Ok last thing. 1)im surtain and i can say it becouse im 100% sure. SQUNIK doesnt use hax. 2) Mos can be "one of the fairest / friendliest admins I've ever met" but it doesnt mean hes always right. yea i agree it sux but worse is that hes not baned he can play but someone ore sth keeps kicking him every time and he doesnt know why and than someone says thats becouse hes spoofing and haxing and again there is no evidence no perm ban but he cant play, ore he can, no he cant, ore maby can, no he cant
  4. Im not reffering to what u did im reffering to what is happening. As i talked with squnik yesturadys play was looking like that. He loged in after about 3-5 min kick, he loged back in 3-5 min kick, he loged back in 3-5 min kick. Mady ur banning system works that way. Maby it allows players to connect and than its kicking tempban players. and about the wh i speced squniks play and i saw that when he see a player running in the building he tryes to target him on the wall to the next window but dam i do exactly the same thing and most players do it its easy and effective (and sometimes it looks like wh if ure a good aimer) about the respawns. on #1 spawns changes fast but if i see 1 player i know where is he running to and from where so i know where are they spawning now + recenty i saw that many times ppl spawn right next to me so im trying to look back as many times as i can so sometimes it looks like i know where ppl are spawnng and im there to kill them right on their spawn.
  5. I thought that a ban ore kick should be motivated and proved. Im playing with squnik for a long time and i know hes really good and i know he doesnt use any wh, aim and any other sh***t. P.S. Krabs u know squnik and me from the start from arena server squnik was always good and everyone said he has wh but it was never proven and further more every one specing him said that he doesnt have wh... from those days he got better and more skilled
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