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Everything posted by JazzyColoUrs

  1. Hi guys. ! How are you doing? Im Awesome. Recently I started using Xfire and been very active there but dont have many friends so, Post your xfire nicknames/usernames if you have here so we could add you guys and have some fun. Thanks Mine is: j4zzyc0l0urs
  2. Im In also. Started the download today. Count me in
  3. Ninja, happy birthday bro. Have a nice day now, keep on doing what u do best, Pwn us xP.
  4. Aw man. I belived he had skillz. I saw his montage like 3-4 times and was amazing. He closed his YT account that may prove something. why baberz .
  5. People on Demolition never balance. We ask them to balance but they dont do anything. Im most of the time there and the balance is horrible making 6vs9 every time. {IMO} If it was possible, admins have some kind of power to balance or move some players because the game starts to get boring when teams aren't fair.
  6. If everyone had this kind of creativity . Thank you man! U saved my time of pasting the IP
  7. L00000000000000000000000000000000000000L. Best Teacher ever lol. This made my day l00l
  8. Heh lol wattz, that must be smooth xP.... Anyway, I get 130 kinda sm00th
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