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Everything posted by -K4L-CIGANO 21

  1. i wait for epic dot server now im playing FFA rust
  2. aahahha gangstah after my epic own on your a** you never be the same guy? right?? what i have to you...calling you cheater its all, nothing more..:roll: and i have cod mw3 on steam and man never in my life i make the same mistake buy a game on steam is a terrible mistake... 10x more cheaters than alteriw, lag etc etc and man how many players on cod mw2 steam??? 0.00f?? have a nice day
  3. Hi all PLZ make EPIC DOT servers for alterRevolution Thanks for listenning to me and good night ;-)
  4. nice photos but fockedup 1 question: what program u use to make that nice picture?o.O thanks
  5. hi whoops wattz happen whith epic dot 6 demolition? No idea when he is ONLiNE again? thanks
  6. bealid i see this gay all days ****ing us but plz all times u see a cheater do like me report on shoutbox thanks epicdot for good servers and good admins
  7. yap i have because i have a error in iw4mp some months ago and i need to use lan connecter to open call of duty now i cant udapte!!


    u have problems to??'

  8. i send a message for admin for see if he cant stop this mdfckr** sorry for language but this guys do not deserve more
  9. man i playing whith this noob he is aimbot but but there was more walid zagmo and loulou
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