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Everything posted by xShockwav3z

  1. ^ This. OMA is meant to be switching to other classes (From Sniper Class to SMG Class etc) NOT to refill your tube. I dont know why they didn't patch it (aIW did that a long time ago) Tubing takes no skill, is annoying, makes you rage,destroying your mouse, keyboard etc, and other things so it would be very nice to remove OMA Tubing in SnD By the way, Who tubes in SnD? Ground war is way better to tube.
  2. You know that? most hated thing in MW2? (And in the S&D Server) n00btubing. I want it to be removed. its really ANNOYING.
  3. So, if i report a hacker, how long it gonna takes to get him banned?
  4. the S&D server of epicdot is my favo server. but always i see 1 or 2 hackers. but there are no admins to kick the cheaters and there is no vote kick can you guys fix this? those hackers are really annoying me and the players in the server
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