Removal of OMA in the EpicDot SnD Server. I hate OMA, making it possible to have infinite tubes, claymores, C4 and all the bad stuff. What about you? Please VOTE when you play atleast on the server so you have expierence with the problems we got.
Please VOTE when you are playing at the SnD server. there is NO point voting in this poll when you dont play on the server and having experience getting (spawn)tubed in the SnD Server. O.o
We like the game but not the OMA Noobtubing.
And there are no GOOD SnD server with good ping and no hardcore (hardcore sux) so it will help us ALOT when you remove noobtubing because the WHOLE server hates noobtubing. the problem is poeple dont have accounts or are to lazy to go to the forum.
In SnD you get spawn killed by a noobtuber and you CAN'T DO ANYTHING AGAINST IT. Especially with Danger close AND One Man Army. and most of the players that hate OMA Danger close noobtubing DONT have a account on this site. so whats the point of having a poll? maybe 10/15% of the players have a account.