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Everything posted by icemix

  1. For the lest time, this is not how it was designed, the usage of OMA to have unlimited tubes is something that was not intendet and needs to be shut down once and for all.
  2. If its up again, then don't you think its a serious issue? Its pretty obvious that SnD is the most copetitive game type, having 2-3 little douchebags sitting in one room with 10 claymores/c4/unlimited tubes calling eveyone else bad, making almost all of the other players rage and quit, don't you think its kinda serious? Of course its not a problem to handle them, but why should we change our gamestyle to something that we don't enjoy just because these retards find something to abuse and refuse to stop? No one is asking you to forbid everything that is overpowered and not balanced in this game, this is a discussion about a glitch, so please reconsider.
  3. He is not correct, this is not something that was intended to be used, we are not talking about a certain weapon or perk, we are talking about the fact that people use an unintended effect from OMA to have unlimited GL, something that even Infinity Ward stated, but were not able to fix because of Activision. Bottom line, this is a glitch, people are abusing it, everyone either ragequits or starts tubing, and it doesn't go againts your polici of every weapon and perk allowed because its neither of those. So take actions already, if not on all servers at least on the SnD one.
  4. He is not correct, this is not something that was intended to be used, we are not talking about ecertain weapon or perk, we are talking about the fact that people use an unintended effect from OMA to have unlimited GL, something that even Infinity Ward stated, but were not able to fix because of Activision. Bottom line, this is a glitch, people are abusing it, everyone either ragequits or starts tubing, and it doesn't go againts your polici of every weapon and perk allowed because its neither of those. So take actions already, if not on all servers at least on the SnD one.
  5. I can ensure you that the devs did not intend the usage of OMA for tubing, and the only reason they didn't patch it is because Activision are dicks. My vote is to forbid OMA tubing in snd, and allow only the gl attachment if people(baddies) love it so much. Its an unintended glitch that the devs were not able to fix, and should be removed once and for all, and don't you dare start witht the "ALL WEAPONS AND PERKS ALLOWED", this is not a weapon or a perk, its a glitch that people have been abusing for far too long.
  6. Don't you dare talk about realistic war in the MW2 multiplayer, if I put time in to it I could probably write a novel on how unrealistic it is and that is fine because its not made to be realistic, its made to be fun, but that is not the point. The point is that OMA tubing is not fine, especially in SnD and that is not my opinion only, pretty much the entire MW2 fanbase would agree with that, and it is probably the main reason why this game got so much hate. So stop the bs, and if you don't want to forbid it on all servers, at least do it for the SnD server.
  7. For the past 6-7 months I have played mainly snd, and I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing more annoying than one man army noobtubing. I personally don't think that we should go as far as banning him, even if any game that he is in turns out ruined for everyone. What should be done instead is apply a new rule that makes one man army tubing kickable, because lets face it, this is not a matter of ''I do not approve of how you play this game'' but more like abusing something that the developers did not inteand to be used in this way. So to sum it up, don't ban this douchebag, make OMA+GL kickable so we can all have rage free games!
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