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Everything posted by icemix
You guys talk like its a bad thing, but you have to look at it as mw2 without all the bullshit (commando/painkiller/OMA/danger close/last stand...) which from my point of view is a freaking win. Guns seem to have a bit more recoil, snipers are not freaking retarded like in BO, the new point streek thing seems fun and it changes the entire game, the sound is AMAZING, the good old smooth gameplay that we all love (not that piece of shit garbage that they used on BO). However they still put deathstreeks in the game, they have reused a lot of stuff from mw2 which is realy lame.
icemix replied to loay's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Ask the team killers and cheaters to confirm this? I find that quite funny. -
In my opinion this best maps argument is invalid, because you don't consider how maps work in different game modes. Lets look at Rust, its fun in ffa but play it on dom/tdm/snd its just a waste of time. I play mostly snd and while maps like Vacant/Estate/Storm/Rust/Overgrown/Afghan/Wasteland make me sick, if I switch to dom I have fun on them. I won't even mention how spawns on maps that are considered by most people as "good" can change the outcome of a game in equally matched teams.
!!! BlameWar and Kolanas (insult)
icemix replied to Efan's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
This is so true. -
But serioulsy, how does one reply to this?
When have I denied that baber has teamkilled? He used to do it with prodiigy a long time ago and after that he did it on cheaters only when there were no admins online to kick the them. Everyone on the server know that. You are the one trying to hide what badr is saying so he won't be punished again.
Shadou doesn't cheat lol, if he said he did its most likely because he wanted to get himself kicked. I've seen him do that before. And forza if you are going to post screenshots of him swearing don't hide the part where the fighter guys do it as well.
Breiz and Icemix trolling for fun...
icemix replied to Efan's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Its funny because if you join any MW2 game right now, you will find the chat filled up with vulgar language, but if I say something offensive, forza over here opens a thread about how his gameplay is disturbed. Its not like he isn't being insulted by half of the server, but apperently only what I say matters. And what is even more funny is how he starts bitching about this right after I posted about his little abusing buddies. If he was realy so upsed, he would have posted this when it actualy happened, there is a shoutbox you know, if he had a problem with me why didn't he call one of you do deal with it instead of posting this crap now. Forza your stupid bullshit doesn't fool me. -
My post was directed to baberzz and impuls, because that is what trollface is on about. All the RCON's do their job to the fullest, I mean everytime I report someome its dealth with significantly fast, just pointed out that baber was constatly active on the SnD server since that was his and mine choice of game mode. Anyway this is getting way too much off topic, trollface if you have something to say about RCON's maybe do it in another thread.
Can you for once in your life reply with a decent comment? They have admited that they do it, everyone with more than a week of experience in the game and an IQ of over 50 can spot it, and the fact that they are not good at the game just makes it even easier to detect. If you don't have anything to say that will contribute to this topic, please go suck them dry and stfu? Baber became a RCON to clean the server out, or you don't see that part. All you focus is that 1 week of him cheating and he didn't even do it on the epicdot server. You completely forget the fact that while he was a RCON there were no cheaters on the server thanks to him. In a time where there was no aCI, no offence to the other RCON's since I don't see a lot of them playing SnD actively, Impuls and Baber were keeping the server cheat free. If it was up to me, I'd give them RCON status again because is seems cheaters already started finding new hacks to bypass the aCI and w/o active RCON's on the server its hard to maintain a completely cheat free environment.
Breiz and Icemix trolling for fun...
icemix replied to Efan's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
This is how you reply? I specificly asked you to point out what exactly do you consider a lie in what I wrote, and you still just reply with your same childish bullshit. We trolled you for 2 rounds, everyone insult you because you are a Dbag, I do not lie and I more than anyone, I play by the rules. I actualy have the dignity to admit that I do use strong language, unlike you and the fighter clan who just suck up to the admins and do your everyday bullshit when they are not around. And if you consider these 2 rounds of trolling for "dirt on me" then well, that is realy sad. I'd suggets you google translate a decent reply next time or don't bother posting anymore retarded crap. -
Actually I remember them admitting using ts to give out positions the first time they did it. There was another clan on the server doing it, the fighter clan was all like gtfo or we will do the same thing, I reported the other clan on the shoutbox and the fighter guys just did it that game and haven't stopped since then. Off topic, you are no troll.
Breiz and Icemix trolling for fun...
icemix replied to Efan's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
It is obvious to me that you don't fully understant english, so let me keep it more simple. Point out which of the points that I will make bellow are lies. 1.You are a disrespectfull Dbag. 2.9 out 10 people call you those things that you acuse me of saying, yet you only feel offended from me. 3.Strong language goes hand and hand with multiplayer video games, if you get so offended stick to singeplayer games. 4.What happened to the forza that was all like "I get pussy and drink vodka all day, I am king!" and now when you post on the forum you sudenly start acting like a 10 year old girl that got her kitten punched by the big bad and mean icemix, seriously. 5.Posting this 2-3 weeks after it happened, a little bit too convenient? If you were so traumatized why didn't you post it when it actually happen instead of doing it the same day I report your 2 little friends for what they have been doing. -
Breiz and Icemix trolling for fun...
icemix replied to Efan's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
WOW, this is what you consider bad behavior? You were being a HUGE Dbag for the other team with your bs OMA abuse, which it seems most people still don't see for what it truly is, but that is for another topic. You are a cheap player all the time, you have no respect for other players, you abuse that broken perk most of the time thus you provoke anger. Its not like we hunt you down every time you join and troll you, is it? If we are such horrible trolls, what else have we done to restrain you from being the Dbag that you are, and if being trapped for 2 rounds is so much worst that your so called "strategy" aka abuse of broken game mechanics for easy kills, then fine. Allso, if we are going to be posting screen shots, maybe I should post some of how you spam the chat with your retarded bind almost every game, or how you dare to insult my mother, and where I come from buddy, if you even dare to insult another persons mother, you get messed up. The fact that you did that alone shows me what kind of disrespectfull piece of crap you are. If you can't show respect for other players and you are so offended from strong language, I'd advice you to stay away from multiplayer games. I will not be showing any respect for you ever again, if what me and Breiz did is againts the rules, it won't be done anymore, neither it has been done since that video which is like 2-3 weeks old I believe. Good day to you and please don't address me ingame because as I said, you will not be treated with respect. -
Baber teamkilled them once because they were yet again abusing skype/ts to give out locations, and there were no RCON's at the current time to remove them. After that one tk, they started doing it all the time. They did it to him, to me and to anyone unlucky to be near the semtex. They have been doing that for weeks now, I don't see how your "only 1 or 2 times" adds up since they have used that glitch on me alone successfully around 5-7 times, not even going to mention the fail attempts. If I am not correct, weren't you allso not allowed on the server for doing the same thing? Get rid of them without a reason? The thing is, I am all about fairplay, and I cannot stand by seeing 2 little douchebags cheating infront of my eyes and getting away with it thinking that they can do anything without any consequences. Its not like I haven't been warning them for like what now, a month? They have been warned, they have been reported, they have been kicked, and they just do it again and again even in the presenceof RCON's on the server. I don't want them gone, I want them to learn a ****ing lesson for once and just play fair like the rest of us.
This little group of abusers and cheaters has been getting away with it for way too long, Badr_fighter and Loay_fighter in particular. They both abuse teamspeak/skype and the free spactater setting of the server when one of them is dead to give out positions to the alive member, aka Ghosting on a daily basis. The other thing they do is use the semtex glitch to teamkill, they even dare to do it while there is a RCON on the server, and not on hackers when there are no admins around to kick them , they do it on normal players. They have been kicked multiple times for those reasons and they just keep comming back and doing it again, one of them even renamed himself to avoid more kicks. Yesterday when HYP3RION was on to watch them, they were playing all nice and shit, kissing his ass and instead of talking about their actions, they actualy started acusing other people for doing what they did, that was one fo the most desperate things I have ever seen from a human being. Ofc HYP3RION couldn't kick them because they stopped doing their bs the moment he joined but after he left I recorded some chat from the console. (Dead)Loay_Fighter: ice is noob (Dead)Loay_Fighter: he talk from back of pepole (Rangers)ForzaJuve!: plant? (Dead)[3way]Icemix: sence (Dead)[3way]Icemix: you make none (Dead)Loay_Fighter: he think his the chief if this server Received Splash 'callout_bombtaken' in slot 1 for 4.000000 sec on localClientNum 0 (Dead)Loay_Fighter: me and badr own this server noob (Dead)BiH__iSlamic: **** (Dead)Joker [$]: blind? (Dead)BiH__iSlamic: im blind Playing smoke grenades at time 11647285 Playing smoke grenades at time 11653100 Playing smoke grenades at time 11654250 Received Splash 'callout_bombtaken' in slot 1 for 4.000000 sec on localClientNum 0 R_MarkFragments: Too many triangles to mark, max 255 radius 75.00 at 149.00 -395.00 7.00 Loay_Fighter: ice forza my bro u mess with him mess with me and badr and all my clan Rickster: ice....do u suck with non sniper weapons?? and MintberryCrunch: he is a smg camper (Dead)Loay_Fighter: just tell me Received Splash 'callout_lastteammemberalive' in slot 1 for 4.000000 sec on localClientNum 0 (Dead)Loay_Fighter: ok Playing smoke grenades at time 13480006 (Dead)Loay_Fighter: and kill ice (Dead)ForzaJuve!: ok) why? (Dead)ForzaJuve!: oh.... np) (Dead)Loay_Fighter: wan make ice mad (Dead)Loay_Fighter: like i do (Dead)Loay_Fighter: i am not ban here (Dead)Benzo: Im in! (Dead)Loay_Fighter: ice So apperently they think they can't be punished for what they do, which as far as I know is againts the rules and multiple people have been banned for breaking the same rules. How about some justice huh?
I'd like to make a request to bring back Impuls, Haxor and Baber to RCON status again because ever since their power was removed I have noticed a huge increase in cheaters in the SnD server. Reporting in the shoutbox is just not efficient, most of the time it takes between 5-30 minutes for another RCON to react, and in most cases the hackers just leave and rejoin the next day. I don't know and don't care for what bullshit reasons they are not a part of the RCON team, but all I can say is they did their job exceptionally good and the SnD server needs them since I don't see any other RCONs ever playing there.
I don't deny the fact that he used an aimbot, since he was a RCON that makes it even worst but it realy saddens me when I see people overlooking everything else about him. To start of, before he used that aim assist he was doing just as good as you see in the videos, and the only reason he started using it is probably for the trickshooting, not saying that its fine but there is a fact for you. Second, he did his job as a RCON by the book, keeping the server clean, responding to my reports even if he had something to do irl. Not trying to defend him for cheating, just trying to tell you people that he is one of the best players I have seen, a really nice guy, a fair and just RCON and when I see comments on that thread on alter from people that have never met him going like "LOL I THOUGHT HE WAS GOOD, BUT HE IS JUST A AIMBOTING NOOB " it makes me wanna punch those ignorant kids in the balls. That is all.
More like the drama with Infinity Ward and Activision which led to no fixes for all the bullshit in this game *cough*One Man Army glitch abusing*cough*. The admins here seem to think its normal and "intended", and while kids run around glitching we are supposed to bend over and take it.
Its obvious to me that most of you have never played with Baber before and are judging him based only on that slowed down video. If he does infact cheat, he hasn't been doing it for a long time, probably just around the time that he decided to start trickshooting like 3-4 weeks ago and just wanted a slight "aim assist" for those shots, that's the only thing that makes sence to me. Yes I know its cheating and its wrong, but believe me he is a realy good player and a realy good person. So what I ask from you is, if you don't know him and you haven't played with him, don't judge him as some aimboting no skilled douchebag. I hope he reads this and comes back to prove wrong all of those that think of him as such.
Noobtubes are still in mw3, but no OMA and no Danger Close. The current issue still needs to be resolved, kick anyone using OMA for unlimited tubes on sight (in SnD at least)
Then just add it to the rules, anyone seen using OMA for "glitching", to be kicked (not banned) from the server. Major problem that need resolving.
I am still not convinced that he cheats. I have been playing with him for over 6 months now, and for a fact I know that he drag scopes a lot, and all those slowed down shots pretty much look like drag scopes. And about the chest thing, every sniper usualy aims for the chest, since you get hitmarks in the arms and shoulders, and if you slow down other sniper gameplays, you would notice that most of the shots are around the center of the chest. On the other hand, the closing of his youtube account and no one seeing him recently is kinda...weird. If he doesn't cheat, he should record a full game, and allow those people to slow it down and see if indeed every shot lands on the same spot, instead of slowing down 1 or 2 shots at a time from multiple games.
The IW team that is working on mw3 now is not the same that made mw and mw2, its basically a brand new team. Plus IW will not be working on the multiplayer, Sledgehammer will be doing it. I hope they take notes from the previous releases and don't include the same bs, *caugh* second chance *caugh*.
BaberZz has never kicked anyone for no reason, if you have indeed teamkilled impuls(and others) for no reason, you deserve to be kicked. Now gtfo you giant douche.