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Deniz K. Zoeteman

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Everything posted by Deniz K. Zoeteman

  1. I have black ops, but I hate it. So no DLC for me.
  2. Desperately in need of a ping limit on the servers, people with pings of 400 can join :| I would say a ping limit of 200.
  3. Favorites: Fuel (really nice for knifing) Terminal (PLANES) Skidrow (the main building is a nice place to be) Salvage (don't know why I like this, I guess it just works good for me) Vacant (close quarters, whats else to say?) Hate: Karachi (too campy for my taste) Rundown (also too campy and some nasty flank routes) Quarry (again, too campy, too stale and not a lot of fun) Carnival (flank routes and OP camp spots)
  4. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 17:30 GMT 27-3-2011 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? Arena MW2 Name of the hacker/cheater RAZBOINIK Suspected Hack WallHack Your In-Game Nick [NED] Timmeh Your xFire (if any) - Your SteamID (if any) gdscei Additional Info -
  5. Why not a seperate server for mods? Some mods are so amazing. You can just make a playlist of mods I believe. A few examples of amazing mods: BFmod (choppers): http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=57546 Zombies or Nemesis Chaotic Invasion (like Nazi Zombies but more epic with MW2 twists to it ): http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=57341 SpecNadeing: http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=56923 Roll The Dice Black Ops Mod: http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=56923 (Yes I know some of these don't have links but I was too lazy to search for them XD)
  6. I don't understand why this hasn't been implemented by now? :confused:
  7. I thought he was an admin because after the host ended game message he said like "u mad" and troll stuff like that. also because i saw this in the console log: dvar set party_hostname ProDiiGy > You
  8. I'll look up his IP/XUID and send it to you through a PM.
  9. Is "Prodiigy > You" an admin? (he was on the S&D AlterIW server) Games were constantly ended by host and he joins a team, throws a semtex at his teammates and then goes to spectator mode so he gets kills. He says himself that he is trolling.
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