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Everything posted by SilvrTech

  1. M'boy, enough with the written tips! What you really ought to do is make video commentaries on YouTube. I've played you b4 and i seriously suspected wall hacks you pwnd so bad haha. I'd watch your vidz for sure
  2. Jeezus! he's very good tho, even without aimbot..but i can't be too sure now actually :S Jeeezus
  3. Date and Time 07/3/11 21:56 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? epicdot.com#6 mw2 demolition Name of the hacker/cheater nBasterd[EST] Suspected Hack wallhack Your In-Game Nick SilvrTech Your xFire (if any) - Your SteamID (if any) - Additional Info
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