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Everything posted by Razz

  1. I took some time to break the second - full and unedited - video down for you guys: 1:10 – kill trough smoke, aimed at the doorway – trough the window of the First building doorway visible at 1:18 1:18 – 2:20 camping at that spot + 7 kills a few kills trough wall. 3:49 – kill trough wall, Diana who was waiting in the building behind that wall. The bullet goes through the wall and than through the hole in the 2nd wall. The hole is visible at 4:00 4:28 – kill trough 2 walls, people jumped off stairs and hid behind those walls. 5:00 – spam kill trough wall, no idea where Diana was. 5:20 – start of 30+ kill streak. 6:15 – you see a second player in the right corner, I killed the first player and than switched with one motion to the second one that I just passed. 7:03 – nobody in the building, they probably just spawned, moving to spawn killed 2 7:18 - in the right part of the screen you see someone running behind the wall tried to follow him and ended with 2 kills trough wall, 1 headshot 7:37 – checking spawn again, 2 kills 7:41 – reloading, enemy walks past the door, I jump to dodge his fire and kill trough wall 7:46 – you see a red dot on the uav, in my building, at 7:48-49 you see, next to my red dot a black curve behind the doorway, barely visible. 7:55 – you see on the right side of my red dot the head of an enemy player (END who also says I cheat). When I moved back he was gone, so I aimed down in a straight line, headshot. 9:05, Cross.Ro insulting player “q-_-p”: 1.PP you like that?! 2. you have fun ? 3. IDIOT 10:57 – Cross.Ro asks Diana if she can log into ED – replay no I can’t, cross.ro answers I can’t either. 11:13 – kill trough wall 11:45 – I reply, I can login on ED, want me to leave a message? 12:03 – Cross.Ro answers, who, on ED ? 12:12 – I reply where* and yes. 13:09 – End answers: Razz, was about you So he wanted to complain AGAIN that I cheat… clearly the video shows no wallhack
  2. Ok, can you tell us who emailed you that you would be banned if you did not remove that video? Can you also tell us by WHOM you would be banned? 1. Whoops can remove my admin rights in a second and he can also clear any ban... so there is no risk for the people that warned you. 2. I know i didn't threaten you, i replied to your post with: " lol, you know why they did not find me guilty? because I don't cheat, l2p :)" " Nice to know how some of you really think" 3. You didn't "Catch" anything, but i would like to see my replay Having said that, please, by all means, show us the e-mails. Claiming things is easy when you do not present any proof. P.S. Where are all the other video's you shot of me, please share those too. I know you are stacking them up, since you go spec at random moments in-game.
  3. Interesting, i went to cross.ro's xfire website where he had a video of me sniping with the RPD, so that i could share the link with u guys.. and the video has dissapeared.. it's *Magic* ?
  4. “dunno who post this video (this video is sh**t,he`s not cheating here,just trying to represent him as sprayer,lol)” --- > 1. Go ahead and check the second video, there you will see a 31 killstreak and all the “hacking” you are talking about. 2. if you want I even have the full video, 100mb, recorded from my PHONE for you to watch. “or who report him this time,” --- > 1. Dude, grow up and stop trying to be stealthy, one of u asked topper to chip in and he did. 2. I can see your "ambushes" from miles away. “every 2nd player knows that he is cheater,every 2nd player report him!” --- > 1. Exaggerate much? 2. NO, only the players that are beginners or (no offence intended) low skilled say that. 3. YES there are many low skilled players on #4 lately. 4. I have never been called a cheater by someone that whooped me in-game. “i dont have nothing against him,we even dont play in same team....but....what is too much is really too much.” --- > 1. Who are you kidding, ever since I kicked ur son for glitching you have been pissed off at me and trying to find an excuse to get even. “after cross.ro post his video,5 days he was very quiet (40:30,60:45,70:50)” --- > 1. I didn’t even know that cross was posting videos about me. Ingame he was always like: "hey bro" "gg bro" "bla bla bro". GJ 2faced backstabber. 2. Have you ever heard of a good streak? 3. Have you ever heard of a bad streak? 4. Those scores are inaccurate, who kept the scores? in fact i had more than 5 matches where my score was way below 1:1 kdr and a few where they were 3:1 and higher. “on end map (i arrived on end) ,showdown,he had 90:5??!!??” --- > 1. Because I whooped their ass 2. The teams were sh*t, it was a pro team vs a beginners team and it doesn’t matter what level you are, there are plenty of lvl 55 players that play like beginners. 3. I have tons of replays with 120-20 and better, ready to be shared All of them taken with /record function in game. 4. I can point my webcam at my monitor and give you a live stream of how I play. “i can writte books about this” --- > 1. lol 2. lol 3. lol “but razz`s game....u can see that from airplane.” --- > 1. switch to decaf, seriously. “and lot of them are afraid” --- > 1. Afraid ? are you sh*tting me? 2. I have never ever abused admin power or yelled at a player. (unlike you who thinks it’s normal to type in all caps?) 3. Speaking of typing, what’s up with you speaking another language all the time when *SRB* members are online? Aren’t admins supposed to lead by example? “i remember long time a go _toper_ was sprayer,he had fire thru wall on one map” --- > 1. Topper is copying my gamestyle 2. The reason that they say that is because he probably dies more often while doing the same stuff I do, like RPD sniping or wall banging on some maps. “and why they are not here to say something about this i dunno.....1. he is admin and lot of them wont mess wit him, he can ban them from server and nobody will know who ban them....just for revange...” --- > 1. Are you serious? 2. In all the time that I have been admin I _NEVER_ abused my power or kicked for fun 3. SPEAKING of kicking for fun, hi _Toper_, didn’t you kick your brother 8 times yesterday because he had to go study? 4. Now that we're on the _Toper_ subject, didnt you get kicked by punkbuster yesterday _Toper_? For "disallowing program or drive" ? It was probably an error with xfire .. but hey if we're starting a witch hunt I might as well mention it. 5. I NEVER threatened a player in all the time I played Now that we are on the subject of _Toper_ Lets see, how about some background information regarding this matter. _Toper_ was playing a few days ago under a different name (supposedly his brother was playing, doesn't matter). He was using the same glitch that I kicked Eclipse's son for, going on a rooftop that is not accessible trough normal play. Lets NOT discuss the glitching again since there was a whole post on the previous website and if memory serves, the post ended with Stiuart explaining that he didn't have to see the video to tell that it was indeed a glitch, seeing how it is not normally accessible and that the son was lucky that it was just a kick and not a ban --> Stiuart please correct me if i am wrong, I do not want to misquote you <-- Lets continue, so _Toper_ was on that very same rooftop but under a different name. I warned the player, trough a private message using the rcon tool to stop glitching, a few moments after the player asked "who said that?". I replied: "I said that". The player than switched to _Toper_. I reacted by saying: "dude... u should know better :(" He responded by opening the rcon tool and using global message trough console he said: "....(something.. sorry i forgot..." and "it is not glitching" and "NEXT TIME BE SURE".) I answered, again trough private message: "dude, use pritavte message ffs ..." Good job at discussing something with another admin, use the global send button on the rcon tool instead of the private message.. so that all the players can read what's going on.. nicely done dude. Now that eclipse posted some more I will also add some more : “WIL******man: el a jucat cu nicku bullseye???? WIL******man: sucking bastard! WIL******man: fucking bastadt ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: da ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: eu am stiut dar am asteptat sa vad ce spune,sa pot sa al recordez ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: deaia am spus eu ca nu ie cheat ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: deaia am spus eu ca nu ie cheat” When did this happen ?? -- Translation should be: WIL******man: he had played with the nick bullseye???? WIL******man: sucking bastard! WIL******man: fucking bastadt ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: yes ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: I knew but I waited to see what he said, so that I could record him ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: that’s why I said that he was not cheating ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: that’s why I said that he was not cheating” --- > this did NOT happen in the match I was in. In that match you said: he is just a kid trying to impress us, they only know how to spray, blab la bla. "and now,what u say now,try now to kick me or ban me u cant do nothing...or something like that" --- > 1. GTFO you lying sack of **** 2. I said, “No I do not hack” and changed my name back, I added: “see this proves that ppl think I WH when I use a different name” You responded with: ok this is enough, bla bla and went offline. Furthermore, you sir are not capable of fulfilling the task of admin for cod 4, maybe another game but certainly not cod4… your judgment is off, you let your emotions get the best of you and I shudder to think how many good players you and ppl like cross.ro have chased away from epicdot #4. Interesting, i went to cross.ro's xfire website where he had a video of me sniping with the RPD, so that i could share the link with u guys.. and the video has dissapeared.. it's *Magic* ? ----> ----> Here you go, the unedited, full version, full match, with kills trough walls, wall follows, and ---->30 killstreak, ALL recorded from my phone as you can see. ----> I dare you, I double dare you, no, I triple dare you to explain how i wallhack when I don't see the enemies trough the walls (as video show).. and if you say aimbot i will make another video just like this one (under a different name that I will share with only ONE admin), with 2 cameras from 2 angles, 1 at monitor and 1 at keyboard... I will even begin the movie by showing u my cod4 folder and showing you how I open cod 4 and connect to a server. While playing i will let go of my mouse/keyboard at random moments.. than you will see that my character doesn't aim on its own. Goodluck explaining how I still get high scores than And if you say: "well than he will just record games where he doesn't cheat", I will answer with no, i will not record every single match i play. Why not? Because after the huge amount of (high definition) replays (evidence) I have collected -in some of them ppl accuse me of wh-, that is awesome because you can see for urself that I did not wh, (and am willing to share) i do not feel like wasting any more of my time defending myself against all sorts of new (bs) accusations that you come up with, like: "oh no, that match he didn't cheat but look at this video of these 4 kills" "he uses a very smart aimbot or a very smart wallhack, he only turned it on for a second" etc...etc...etc...
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