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Everything posted by Razz
I am guessing that the mappacks need to be bought and can't be shared trough the server x_x ?
After those screenshots, my vote goes to a permanent ban on all epicdot servers.
It was not me who banned you ...
Ohh..no,no, I apologise that was not what I meant (that i was sure that someone fked up). I just thought that it would make things easier to decide since the guys in charge see it with their own eyes instead of montages of montages. On the other hand it is indeed weird that the account was closed and that there's no sign of life from BaberZz :/ P.S. I have no idea if others watched it, the closing of the account is indeed suspicious :/ And ofc. if he does not reply or contact anybody .. that doesn't look good either. (i'm not defending anyone, I was just observing )
Easy solution for this problem, get your hands on the *original* vid and watch it yourself - frame by frame - (i suggest that the all powerfull admins do this ) that way you see if it actually skipped a frame or if someone decided to remove a frame so it looks like it snaps on.. the music would be in that case a dead giveaway because you would hear the music skip or the music would not be in sync with the actual footage..
Although it pains me to say this .. I have to agree with you :'( Perhaps we could change the ff to shared damage instead of reflect though ..because most people just run in front of others when they are shooting .. since they don't care that the other player dies. It might be different if they also die.
Do'h, I guess that the players are too lazy to come and vote... even after they were made aware of the FF poll. Imho if they can't find the time/effort to vote they shouldn't cry about it. (just for the record, I voted ^^ )
I don't know what you are looking for in a vacation but if you are like me (sun/beach/warm water) I would recommend Jamaica. Also the jungle is amazing. The only downside is it's population. When I was there we stayed in a resort for a couple of weeks and at a friend's house for another. The resort had armed guards protecting it..but this was 10 years ago, perhaps things have changed.
yep, watched stargate SG1, Atlantis and Universe, they all have their charms. You heard correct, they are stopping after season 2
not really: Aimbot - aims at enemy not your own members Wallhack - different versions of it, it can color teammates different than enemies UAV - you see the dots, all dots FF stops massive spraying, lets you suicide with airstrike / grenade/tube.claymore and prevents you from shooting enemies trough your teammates, that's it.
Hah, nice I have had that same problem two or three times (since this game came out). It happened to me when my video drivers were messed up or when my video-cards got overheated. Apart from that I have no idea how and why it happens.
Will there also be a MW 1 server without ff? Perhaps tdm hardcore #3 ?
It could happen for a number of reasons, it could be a corrupt sound driver (without sound drives my cod doesnt work -.- ) It could be a directx error (corrupt/bugged dirx). It could also be an error within your operating system (virus or other infection that messes with your system). If all else fails a format will solve the problem but it is a pain in the ..
Server #3 is reflect too :'(
How many phones do you own o.O
Indeed lol 80-20 turned into 35-20 :/ aaaaah!
aaaah .. pweatty pwease turn ff off :s .. ppl block doors and run in front of you when u shoot Nade spam on some maps remains the same tho. I vote against it ^^
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
In this video you will see how ppl call me wallhacker and getting pissed that I snipe them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdDoXAMjxHQ -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Ok, lets say for a moment that they are 2 different people, can you show us the videos that you took and the e-mails you received please? -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Well, look at the links, you will see in the first link, (that is your usename on epicdot #4), that there is also a link for razvannb. If you click on that link you will be redirected to the second profile. In that profile it clearly shows: Yesterday 8:27pm Razvannb started playing on server EpicDot.com #4 TDM HARDCORE as *SRB*CROSS_RO Yesterday 6:17pm Razvannb added the nickname '*SRB*CROSS_RO' Yesterday 6:15pm Razvannb added a favorite game Call of Duty 4 Yesterday 6:15pm Razvannb added the nickname 'cross_ro' Yesterday 6:02pm Razvannb joined GameTracker -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
It appears that the user cross_ro and razvannb are one and the same .. http://www.gametracker.com/player/*SRB*CROSS_RO/ and http://www.gametracker.com/razvannb/ Now I have to wonder two things; 1. Why would someone register 2 usernames? 2. Why are there 2 posts in this thread by the same user under a different name? cross_ro replied in post #9 and razvannb replied in post #24 ... interesting -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
1. YOU once "caught" a cheater, you pm'ed me about him, the server was full so I could not spectate him. You kept asking me to kick him so I started to conciser trusting you and kicking him without looking, that is when I said IF i kick this person and it turns out that he is not cheating, our friendship is over because than you have abused our friendship. A few moments after I told you that I realized that it was a bad idea to kick someone without spectating him first so i waited a bit untill a player left and than i joined the server and spectated him. If memory serves me well that guy was not cheating! And I am ashamed of myself for considering that action for even one second. 2. I also play good when admins are online, my recent matches were 80+:30 in a game with opusdei and 85:20 in a game with opusdei and Eclipse (5 minutes ago). 3. To shoot from so far away and hit someone is perhaps for YOU impossible but YOUR perception and skill is not in question here. If i am to understand this right, the fact that I can snipe snipers with an RPD light machine gun on the map Creek (and often with more efficiency than a sniper) makes me a cheater? First of all, I have been a hardcore fps shooter since i can remember, i used to play mohaa with a few [NM] members and snipe snipers with a bolt rifle, on the map Omaha Beach. That meant that we had to look for PIXELS that moved and aim at those pixels, FYI here is a picture of the map. http://forum.i3d.net/attachments/technische-hulp-moh/5347d1181658855-overdreven-veel-fog-omaha-beach-mohaa-screen-1.jpg And yes, the snipers were up there on the hills and we were down there in the water. Second, I was in the finals with Quake 3 Arena wold championship so I have some aim. Finally, where are all your recording? and where are the e-mails? It's not hard to slander one's name with accusations.. show us some proof. -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Endbg, I understand, np, you can try in bad english if you want, either way no hard feelings. About typing in another language, I know alot of people do that but seeing how admins should lead by example i think that at least admins should try to speak english nearly all the time. Some people can't speak english, I am not sure but I do not think that the rules should be interpreted in a way that nobody is allowed to speak another language at all (please someone correct me if i am wrong). But I do believe that admins should speak english because ppl pay more attention to what admins do and how they interact. <ProToTyp>, Those teams were really really bad and I must say that that was one of my better matches, I can understand how you might have thought I had wallhack (thnx for the aim part ) however, if you have time please look at the video i posted: "Today 05:08 PM" "I took some time to break the second - full and unedited - video down for you guys:" And look at the comment.. perhaps this will exlpain some of my kills, if not I am more than happy to show you, either way no hard feelings. -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Hi endbg, Please do write.. i want to clear this up once and for all. -
People have reported Razz as a cheater
Razz replied to Whoops's topic in Hackers and Cheaters All Servers
Seriously, THIS is all you have? After I replied with half a page of text and explained a whole gameplay video? Where are all the voices that we did not hear? Where are the e-mails claiming that cross.ro would be banned if he didn't remove the video? Where are the clips of me cheating? WHERE is your evidence? It seems like things are not going as you thought they would so you pretend to be the bigger man by posting that reply. Well guess what, it will not end like this. Furthermore, I never said the word "all" .. i said there are many low skilled players. Don't try to put words in my mouth =) I was being polite and I do not appreciate your sarcasm since, seeing how there is not one shred of evidence, words are the only thing you can produce. If this ends like this i know what will happen, you will "secretly" continue to film me and band up with those ppl that think I cheat (i am guessing 20 perhaps more) than you will try to get even more ppl convinced that I cheat and we will have this argument all over again .. To be perfectly clear.. I am not saying you or other ppl are not allowed to call me cheater anymore, if you think I cheated fine, just record it and perhaps ask me NICELY to show you how I got that kill .. but we both know that you will not do that so go ahead and do those things, I will have my defense ready, bought a brand new 2TB hard-disk just for you and seeing how a replay is 4mb, I can defend myself for the next 460000 matches. How about you admit you are wrong OR bring some evidence to the table. And where is _Topper_ ? Please inform him of this thread, since we are all discussing admin behavior, what about him glitching? And what about you Eclipse, talking in another language constantly when *SrB* members are online? Don't think I will let this pass so easily. Instead of talking to me about it you went behind my back without even having the decency to inform me about it, that goes for you too _Toper_.