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Everything posted by Anoon

  1. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 3/20/2011 8:34 PM gmt+1 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 Arena MW2 Name of the hacker/cheater --SIMPLEX-- Suspected Hack WH AIMBOT (obvious) Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon51 Additional Info -
  2. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 7:07PM GMT+1 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 Arena MW2 Name of the hacker/cheater iRR QC J009 (or something like that) Suspected Hack Wallhack aimbot and norecoil Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon51 Additional Info Pls perm ban, thank you
  3. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 3/10/2011 5:12PM GMT+1 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? #7 Arena MW2 Name of the hacker/cheater Fatal_Shooting; TheSpinBuster Suspected Hack Wallhack and Norecoil (Fatal_Shooting also aimbot sometimes) Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon51 Additional Info Both those guys hack terribly, they also make stupid things when they are both last alive like making ppl wait until the time runs out. Please perm ban.
  4. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 03.03 6:02 PM GMT+1 GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? EpicDot.com Arena alterIWnet Name of the hacker/cheater Haruyuki Suspected Hack Obvious WH and Aim Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon51 Additional Info Obvious WHer and Aimbotter is back, can you use /permban this time? He already had his tempban and he came back.
  5. I understand this, but just I asked I want the rule itself, so unless we can stop the "I don't care, tube is not disallowed" people, which are the most pain because they think they are gods.
  6. Bump, any update on this? Can we oficially say that tube is not allowed on Arena server? Pleaseee
  7. I get your point, but as I said the whole fact of the existence of such rule would help us to persuade tubers to stop with less or more rage in our words
  8. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time Right now GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? EpicDot.com Arena alterIWnet Name of the hacker/cheater <FACE OFF> Suspected Hack Wallhack Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon51 Additional Info Hey it's me again, that guy has some obvious WH he snipes through the trees on derail.
  9. Hello, I enjoy (not always, here's why) playing on your MW2 Arena server, since the mode offers quite tactical gaming, I wish there were some server rules. Since you never respawn in that mode, no one likes to get killed by noobs who boost their e-balls by tubing or shooting the RPG or the AT4 at the ground killing himself and his victim or spraying G18 Akimbo. Is this possible that some kind of rules will be on the server, like no gl, thumper, rpg etc. and no akimbo G18? That would help since it's frowned upon by many people and when they are asked to stop they say "No one forbids me, so I'll tube". So at least a message saying "No Tube" would help us.
  10. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time 25/02/2011 9:01 PM GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? EpicDot.com Arena alterIWnet Name of the hacker/cheater -Haruyuki- Suspected Hack Wallhack Aimbot Your In-Game Nick Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon6 Additional Info He is cheating right now, same for FUM Sikorsky.
  11. Submit Cheaters and Hackers Date and Time Now! GameType ModWarfare 2 Which server? EpicDot.com Arena alterIWnet Name of the hacker/cheater Echo Suspected Hack Wallhack Your In-Game Nick [HATE]Anon Your xFire (if any) none Your SteamID (if any) Anoon6 Additional Info I am not sure if he cheats, but he always kills us from the back or side, everyone says he wh, he always has an excuse why he is not wh, but I think an admin should check this out and spec him.
  12. Hey, the server keeps getting annoying cheater called iSnipe-HD. Right now he is noobing with a wallhack he can't even use properly, this server seriously needs some moderation. Please ban this scum, right now he is prestige 10 around level 60, can't tell more about him, he just breaks all the fun and everyone is mad.
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