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Everything posted by Pizza

  1. Competition closed due to lack of entries Reopening: coming soon
  2. Signup deadline postponed 1 week due to judges' (me and iShimura) being busy
  3. so...you're in? When will you not have access to the PC?...if you really want to be a judge it's ok....there is no pressure Sould I sign you in the judges section?
  4. Welcome to the MS Paint Competition! Competition Summary: Competitors are placed in to groups. The first group is given a theme on which to base their pictures, and each contestant in that group submits a picture in this thread. Once a deadline passes the judge(s) chooses his/their favourite, then we repeat this process for the next group. The winner(s) go through to the next round and this continues until we have an MS Paint champion. Structure of the competition: The number of rounds and structure will be decided depending on the number of participants. (when signing up for the competition, state if you want to be a judge or a contestant) Contestants: - [RG] Urban-Ninja - wattz - fockedup - Judges: - Pizza - iShimura - (as you can see...there are only 3 slots available for judges) Rules & More Information The Pictures: Pictures are to be made with MS Paint & a mouse. Maximum image size is 800 by 500 pixels, you can choose between landscape and portrait (or square) and don’t have to use the maximum amount of pixels. You can use images/photos as a reference when making your picture, but painting over an existing image or copy & pasting part of it is not allowed. If you are directly copying from another image, please post it with your submission. When to paint, themes and submitting: See the schedule for when your group is painting and your deadline. Each time I'll post the group number with a list of the contestants in that group, the theme and the deadline in this thread and PM the contestants. When you’ve finished post your picture in this thread. How to post pictures: When you click Submit Post or Go Advanced there’s an attachment option. If your picture is too big for that, you’ll have to host it and link to it with image tags, eg: *URL/Location of your picture* Two sites you can use to host your picture are imageshack and photobucket. Cheating & Plagiarism: If you think a contestant's work isn't their own, they've used something other than MS Paint or are breaking any other rule, PM me. The reason I'm asking that you do this rather than just posting it in the thread is so that no-one is wrongly discredited and the judges aren't influenced by it. Schedule: THIS COMPETITION IS CLOSED All times are GMT. GMT Clock
  5. not much room for the mouse...just saying i like to have room on the desk for my mouse.
  6. hey whoops...you forgot to put me in the ED online rcon site

    thnks in advance,


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  7. hey whoops...long time no talk

    i no longer have a clan.

    so i would like to know if i can wear the |ED| tag in my name from now on?



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  8. hahahah....i laughed so hard at this...the one that is by far most asked to me is if I speak HindU...but i let it pass...
  9. more of a luck game...one question...are the cards discarded once shown?
  10. #6 has visitors normally..(at least when I see it)
  11. happy birthday you, best of wishes to you and your life! oh and....WANT CAKE
  12. I agree with toper...seen many people doing that...falsily accusing others of hacking just because they can play at their level...watch out for those guys admins and don't let yourserlves get influenced!
  13. Pizza

    Htc hd7

    wow...just...wow...WANT! xD
  14. Happy B-day m8...enjoy your day
  15. ha ha ha..very funny stiuart...--'...sorry if this is a spam thread.. /thread closed
  16. lol...when i first got into the server i was confused at how did i get killed when no one hits me...xD...but nice choice whoops...this should discipline the players more about what they do ingame
  17. when i had that problem i did what opus said (searched on the web at the time and found that)...so yea...that might be the best solution
  18. ....and post your own Polly want a cracker?
  19. Try Ultraiso...it burns iso files/ image files to CD/DVD if im not mistaken
  20. YOU LAUGH, YOU LOSE Ladies. Gentlemen. Follow the rules or suffer. <RULES> 1. All of the general forum rules apply here. NO PORN (censored/edited porn is not permitted either) Seriously, nudity of any sort = the lock. Don't do it! NO GORE NO SPAM NO FLAMING NO ADVERTISING 2. Please try to post some ORIGINAL CONTENT. If you honestly believe it's funny, post at your own risk. 3. When QUOTING POSTS WITH IMAGES, just replace the image with asterisks (***these guys***) and a one to two word description of the photo. Srsly. 4. When posting YOUTUBE/VIDEO LINKS, provide a title for the video and a small description. Nobody wants to click a link you haven't at least introduced. 5. When you laugh, you lose So, lets get this going now
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