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Everything posted by <ProToTyp>

  1. hey razz i must say that your vid is very boring u sit at the same pos everytime and shoot throught same wall hole round if u are a sprayer (thats what u wanna tell us) i think u know more than one place i think its not the real playing of you i think if u aren´t admin they kicked u month ago and there are other player whoose been kicked for less than your play´s you can tell anybody that you are sprayer but i think u cheat ok much better than other cheater but if you only know3 or 4 places to spray in 1 or 2 maps you can´t tell us that you have a lot of skill wich make you to the perfect sprayer and please don´t speak to me like to an noob im not pro but i´m everythin else than noob
  2. Hey all, i was the "beginner" who talk to cross about the player bullseye i don´t know that it was razz but i think its uninteristing i never seen how cheats look befor but i watch the killcam from bullseye and later i spec him I told cross:" Hey cross can u watch bullseye? i think he has wh and aim" my resons to call him a cheater are: he hit people very fast (jumps around a corner have 3 shoots and kill 2 people) and, ok im not pro, he run around, suddenly stoped shoot trough a wall kills 3 or 4 people and run again i think there is no spraying or luck or what ever if he see people moving there it´s ok but not when he saw nothing befor Cross spec him a little bit and told me that he isn´t sure but he think there is somethink Cross asked to spec eclipse after this i leave the server and the diverent "skills" wich eclipse discripe in this thread are true. thats somethink i see befor but never think about it sry for my bad english hope everyone understand
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