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About Xerin

  • Birthday 02/20/1995

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  • Interests
    Call of Duty, Basketball and all around gaming, i also like classical music along with modern :)
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Xerin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anyone want a DotA 2 Key please send me a mail with your steam name

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xerin
    3. Whoops


      Cheers! Just noticed. Will add when home this weekend

    4. Whoops


      Still downloading!

  2. Nothing at all, back for teh lulz though

  3. Nothing at all, back for teh lulz though

  4. Thank you all, I had a great day.
  5. this is quite dodgy, i have done it before but it took a couple of attempts before i got it perfect.
  6. There is another version but it is developed by Russians and therefore a Russian version
  7. I agree with Ishimura on this one, Allowing Map-vote is a great idea but as Shi says players fight about mapvote and this can lead to the loss of players, also I have seen players abuse this system too often :/.
  8. did you receive anything from me?
  9. iShimura, I played it once I enjoyed it but it got tedious.
  10. Mine is a bit messy....... ok very messy, but i know where everything is......kinda.
  11. It has been up there in the sky in plain view for billions of years but nobody seems to have thought of its earning potential - until now. A canny Spanish woman from Galicia - a sun-drenched region on the border with Spain and Portugal - has decided that she owns the star, and has the registration papers to prove it. Angeles Duran, 49, says that the sun officially belongs to her now, having had the celestial body registered in her name at a local notary office Ms Duran, who lives in the town of Salvaterra do Mino, said she now wants to slap a fee on everyone who uses the sun and give half of the proceeds to the Spanish government - and 20 per cent to the nation's pension fund. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1333776/Spanish-woman-Angeles-Duran-claims-owns-sun--plans-start-charging-ALL-users.html#ixzz1CN9BHa64
  12. IE works fine im view the chatbox in school now
  13. The distance is astronomically impossible to even get half way to a new planet, it would be cool though
  14. Happeh birthday Go out and have fun
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