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Everything posted by Whoops

  1. Whoops


    We are soon making a couple of changes, this means we can offer webhosting for both personal and clan use. Control panel will be available and normal features as you would expect from a domain administrator available including webmail etc. More info will be posted when service is available.
  2. From the album: Rabbit

    Bought daughter a rabbit.
  3. Whoops


    Daughter's Rabbit
  4. From the album: Rabbit

    Bought daughter a rabbit.
  5. Recent update for Android works great. Screen doesn't go black when you click on options , other bug fixes too. Sound quality OK. In fact it will be my client for now. That good.
  6. Have added one XP5 server for now. Due to many changes with the Nexus backend (in the past), players have had their stats reset etc. Buliding it up the normal way is a slow and long process. X5 times is the allowed score and that is what we have used. There are plenty of other X5 servers, players tend to use them to build up stats before playing on normal servers.
  7. From the album: Tribes: Ascend

    Tribes: Ascend
  8. Whoops

    Tribes: Ascend

  9. Bigger target and if you hit in the right spot... will kill him anyway.
  10. Having played TDM with 12 players, it's hard. Spawn death and funnily enough they are all camping.
  11. From the album: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

    Headshot... pic just 1/1000 too late.
  12. Whoops

    Tribes: Ascend

    Game is free on Steam by the way.
  13. Whoops

    Tribes: Ascend

    Similar to Frontlines: Fuel of War but different. Quite like playing something different. I like the way they setup the dedicated servers! Great idea.
  14. From the album: Tribes: Ascend

    Tribes: Ascend
  15. No help shouting 'fucking lag' thinking it will go away. If server is full, there could be spikes but most of the time it is just fine. Other times, can actually be the network or routing of the internet. In most cases; it can be you so check your internet connection and join another server to test. Either way, you should report back otherwise we are unable to check whether it is real lag or just in your head.
  16. Weird but maybe interesting/ different game style.
  17. Whoops


    Speaking of which, it does have a 4 cores and a dedicated gpu. Can run webserver php, mysql and html. Can run a copy of this site on it although I havent tested that.
  18. Whoops


    Realised my Android phone, although 16GB built in memory, can take 64GB micro SD and also read my 64GB USB stick as external storage. Mobile power!
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