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Everything posted by TheMoS

  1. any more funny pictures? or anonymous proxies? i never said that street-fighter-esq-super-combo move he busted out was a script - but he enjoyed telling us about it.
  2. I'm sorry, you mistake me for someone who cares. As i said, each individual thing is probably nothing to get in a flap over. However, it all adds up. You have no respect for the site, the servers, it's players and least of all the RCONS who work hard to make it a good and fair place to game. Words are cheap and your actions speak far louder.
  3. you know what you did shadou. You have no RIGHT to be on the servers, except the owner and contributors. You abuse players constantly, you abuse admins. you call the servers, it's owners, admins, and says we're all shit. Next, you hack, admit to hacking, use scripts and change maps. you act like you own the server. here's the videos i took : http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ed+shadou&aq=f and just from one day. are those videos a big deal? not really but it all adds up to a poor player why would we want a player like this on the servers?
  4. yeah, i've got an older version somewhere
  5. i'm rubbish at C&C! something to do with not being able to multitask - so another side of my base would be being attacked while i faffed on with the harvester!
  6. Loay has cheated all week. i said via PM, if he was a better player i'd raise the subject with the other RCONS. What did he do? map changed, offered hacks/scripts day after day - does that sound like a good player? You had your chance.
  7. statham is so type cast. Ex-SAS in this AND he's playing ex-SAS in the Andy McNab book 'firewall' when it comes to cinemas next year as 'Echelon' : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839465/ i've got most of the Nick Stone book by McNab, i really like them, he better not make a mess of it.
  8. thats even cheaper - link? CD key is fine for me, physical media is so over rated. Unless it's vinyl. Or the new Star Wars Bluray.
  9. does this look legit? pretty cheap... : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BATTLEFIELD-BAD-COMPANY-2-PC-GAME-NEW-XP-VISTA-/120677062877?pt=AU_PC_Video_Games_Games&hash=item1c18e9d8dd
  10. Nolan? JJ ABrhams? - looks brilliant too!
  11. Looks class http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_jAlFqvASU
  12. kinda looks ok.... worth watching a few to see what it's like
  13. you do it for fun? i think, when you grow some pubes, go find a few friends and talk to some women. not internet women. thats fun. you're just sad.
  14. Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/ManofScience XFire : themanofscience I'm always logged into both when online
  15. cheers Gazz - might be a year or 2 till i get around to it lol
  16. Thanks for coming on and talking to us, i think we have a good bunch of RCON's here to try to do the best for the server and the players, i'm sure we can work something out.
  17. Shadou and Prodiigy are on 'Ban on Sight' - when an RCON sees them/they are reported - they are banned. As for Baberzz - he's been banned previously but no further hacks/cheats have been seen OR reported to the RCONs. If he is caught, he will also be 'Ban on Sight' We can't be everywhere at once - if we're told we can do something about it. an RCON would need to SEE the incident to act as it's not fair just to take someones word on it.
  18. is this along side them putting applications for RCON posts? I'd wait till their applications for RCON status get approved before donating for them. For me, Sik doesn't have the right attitude. there's no physical age limit, anyone can apply it's how they ACT. you get some real idiots who are over 40 - and some well balanced 12 yr olds. It's down to the individual. I'm only speaking for myself here and how i see it, i'm not trying to put words into peoples mouths here (the site admins) - I'm an RCON and don't have the final say on the rules, just try to uphold them as best i can
  19. As i've explained and i bet others have too - admin status is not granted immediately but players are monitored for their attitude and game play. You are very impatient about wanting this access. This isn't the place to discuss your application. donate what u can, when you can. I'm happy to admit i don't donate monthly as i have other commitments but i do send something, when i can.
  20. i was on for a little while, seemed a bit of fun - once u get into the game - is it more sandbox like GTA?
  21. So, you insulted the admin and swore and admit you expected to be kicked. Why the thread? Bans are not permanent, try again tomorrow and you'll get on fine, No-one holds grudges*, everyone has a second chance. Just cause you have a great score doesn't mean you're a good player * may not be true for some players!
  22. i'm in - but servers all full? add me : ManofScience
  23. game play looks interesting - i'm off to try it, see if it's any good
  24. actually, found one cheaper... http://www.machine7.com/product.php?xProd=11959&xSec=224
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