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Everything posted by TheMoS

  1. How good does this still sound? 20 years old but would fit nicely in any modern set : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRh8B7wQ7dI&feature=player_embedded
  2. Calling us racist? I'm sorry, you're very wrong there. Race has nothing to do with this and bring that into your arguement is low. We have always and will always react to ALL reports of players and admins being abusive for whatever reason and if caught will be dealt with accordingly. No-one is above the rules. This thread should be closed, it's getting no-one anywhere. Forza - Stop abusing people and play. if others abuse you - report it. End of story.
  3. remember, it's not always about the highest warttage, it's what it can give stabely across the rails
  4. I don't take people insulting my parents too harshly, at the end of the day they know nothing about me. i think there can be a certain amount of light hearted trolling as long as it's in jest. However, you can not make a stand saying it's totally wrong then go out and do it to someone else. thats hypocritical. Some things you can let slip, continued violation can not be let slip.
  5. Hey Bash, it's MoS He won't change, thats the problem, he has no respect here for the players, the admins or anyone else. He's arrogant, abusive, nevermind the hacks/scripts/cheats that he uses. I used to have fun with the abuse he gave us all but it's boring after awhile. He had a chance to act mature - he choose not to. His desicion.
  6. Nice one bash They say they hate the servers so much - yet now they're impersonating ED - talk about mixed messages! I know they're reading this so move on with your life lads, you've only got yourselfs to blame!
  7. TheMoS


    Hello Shadou We've had people in the past promise 'never to hack again'. It doesn't work. You are an abusive, short tempered and insincere player. Skill is only 1 part of what makes a 'good' player. You may have skill but you have no respect for other players of ANY level or these servers or the admins. Day after day you said the server was shit, the RCON's were shit and how retarded everyone was who came on the servers - yet you came back day after day and even NOW you want back on. why? you ruined games, ended them early and acted like a 'derp'. i for one, do not miss you on the servers, your abuse or the trouble you caused. In my opinion, you had your chance and you thought you were better than everyone in the ED community - you're not welcome here. and bear in mind, i'm one of the nicer admins who argues to get people let back on. I'm sure you will now have a long rant, how u don't want to be here, i'm a nazi, ED is full of noobs and 'derps' so have your say - that is what forums are about, being allowed your opinion. All the best MoS
  8. robert carlylse just gives it that bit of edge/credability with a usual yank cast
  9. Watched s1, half way thru s2, really like it. Pity it's cancelled!
  10. British? He's not! Its a message board, chill out. Only u seem to care
  11. Oma + gl is allowed as its a designed feature, it can be used for any weapon. Taking advantage of a glitch to purposely get around something IS poor gameplay. As for him being banned, it's between him and the forum admin team - I have as much right to comment as you do
  12. I have no idea what this is all about but I banned you a couple of weeks ago for the team killing and general abuse of other players, I spent the next few days as u spoofed your ID , chasing you trying to enforce your ban. Everyone says they change but it's been proven to me in the last weeks - cheaters don't change their ways
  13. Was running a Debian home server for my media but have since jumped to Windows Server 2008 R2 (currently thinking about Windows Home Server 2011 if i can find someone with a MSDN account to give me a legit key!) For desktops/laptops, not a fan of redhat but openSUSE is ok (maybe not so good for lower spec laptops). Hands down my favourite though is Ubuntu. if it's a REALLY old laptop, look at xubuntu or one of the lighter flavours. (puppy? i think is also a light version)
  14. i knew it was coming for a while and was waiting for when FX picked it up. The 'comics' follow different characters (the 1 handed nutter from the roof is one) so i was kinda hoping it would follow it from someone elses perspective for this season and see it they crossed over. Still, i'm not a big zomie person but this in a exception, Season 2 halloween release again like last year
  15. can't wait for this, 6 episodes last time wasn't enough
  16. in the 80's thing, there's a swedish/dutch camp or something thats already dug the space ship and dug something frozen from the ice and defrosted it. It's the dog that they find and bring back. it was on tv the other night, amazing creature effects, non-stop - great film!
  17. The warehouse was back in the day, I used to go to the gallery in Leeds, even the hacienda a few times. DS is digital society, big trance night in Leeds at the mo, wondered if u still ventured out, I do occasionally
  18. these weapons/perks are allowed. Cheaters are not.
  19. U ever go to DS in Leeds?
  20. provide the evidence and action will be taken - we even take evidence from cheaters like yourself. there are rules, you've been shown them, you choose to ignore them, cheater. These servers currently run a default-out-of-the-box setup as intended by IW and aIW. You seem to disagree, but thats your opinion - the opinion of a cheater. Why not bring it up with the aIW forum? or is it easier to cry about it? or play elsewhere, maybe where cheaters are accepted?
  21. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/3665/barracksam.jpg i have only been playing 2 months or so... maybe longer... when at work...pah
  22. admins don't ban on other peoples word for it but they do take notice of evidence gathered by other players and take it seriously.
  23. i've been home and had mi tea - this still going on? heheh this thread is far more funny than your "RPG for lulz" tactics!
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