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Everything posted by TheMoS

  1. if u believe what they say, they only hack in 'revenge' - we don't have a perm ban feature so have to ban on a 'per incident' basis. There's no strict "ban on sight" rule.
  2. tried it, don't like it lol thank god i didn't buy it!
  3. it's still hard to have enough good admins to cover all servers 24/7 - hence why it's quicker/more efficient for the players to report hackers. so you're complaining that ONCE it took 4 hours for an admin to reply? a shame - yes. end of the world? no. No, it's not hard. I do it often. Surely u remember how to do it? in your opinion. However, it's also your opinion to act immature, whine, bully and generally be unprofessional about the whole situation. If you have such a problem with the servers, players, admin team, RCONs, etc i would suggest using other servers. Maybe you could consider your own server and pay for it?
  4. they're only human - and as we've seen, it's all about getting GOOD admins - don't you think?
  5. + racism. Nice player. Do yourself a favour, leave and don't come back of your own accord. Again, someone else thinking it's ok to hack because others are. No, you cannot justify hacking.
  6. U WANT answers to the questions? At the end of the day, it's a private server, the owner/admins reserve the right to let who they want on the servers and for whatever reasons. You have no 'rights' as such. I don't know u or the reason why but I'd move on and stop stressing.
  7. as far as i'm concerned, it's hardly a REAL crime is it? It's not the end of the world, he's lost respect of other players but there's bigger things going on in the real world.
  8. i always avoided this title - is SR2 any good? what does the sandbox element stand up like to GTA? this looks fun...
  9. Either way - you ban them or they leave or their own accord/don't hack in the first place - it has the same effect. We want the word to get around that admin are around, online and seeking out hackers, gives |ED| servers a good name and a better place to play
  10. sabo is the same as COD4 then - i just wondered what the isnipe3 mod was - cheers chaps
  11. explain, for a noob, what the mod is?
  12. Looks nice, meant to be rub. I'm not fussed, looks stylish so i think i'll probably like it!
  13. That seems to speak volumes at the moment, which is a shame. i think it's a friendlier forum here, maybe a good place to put his point across without being flamed?
  14. i think krabs is right - it proves you cannot assume anyone is 100%, friends, RCONs, etc. No-one is above the law if caught.
  15. We buy 100's of Tosh's at work - bomb proof, reliable, easy to fix/upgrade but ugly as sin. usually. Good choice.
  16. http://www.epicdot.com/forum/misc.php?do=forms
  17. There are more and more admins joining all the time, just this minute, across our 8 MW2 servers there's currently atleast 5 playing and more online usually within couple of minutes of each other - better coverage than there has been. You should stay around, become part of the community, you've taken the time to post this crash - u could fill an admin application and join the team!
  18. Yeah, definite new take on the vampire thing - a good watch!
  19. i bet i got the same rip as u - kor subs? lol on my list to watch this week...
  20. i know it has boobs in it, but isn't it like... you know... for girls ? "the only way is essex" - now THERE'S a show. *****s me up everytime!
  21. a know a little, enough to get me started and doing the easy stuff
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