opus bro,nice post.you said everything that was supposed to say. i`m not writing this with "come back" reason, far from it.u made your decision and thats is.u have now great team of admins who contact me to ask how to use agrecon,exelent team of kids,i see future in theyrs eyes ;) ppl contact me even now on xf and asked me to go back,or to ban someone.i have information that server is every day visited by lot of cheaters and no one is there to handle with that. seems to be true what one player said whoops+razz+kids=epicdot #4,no hard feeling,i didnt say that...thats what players are thinking. If i know from start that you were so ungrateful man...i ll never stay on this server more than 2 min. (i hope that god will give you back in your life what u deserve and u will) but on end everyone shows his face! my face is clean,and wherever i play i have just regards and ppl salute me so i`m sure that i`v don my job correct. when i told you to start poll abut me or opus or 4apa....and ask players are we good or no,u didnt want,because u know pre-result!all what u have is problem in your head and nothing more. i tried to help you when u had 10 players on server,with my opinions and researches on other server and u said "yes u are right","yes that will be good" "yes i will do that on new forum"....and on end what.....ingratitude? yeah.... few of us keep your server with good players,players was there because of us,not because of you or because that shit of razz,and all does players are with us now,check your server only kids,yes...u will be full of donations from they. but your illness is actually in *SRB* because we were too much on your server and unfortunately we didnt buy slots from you.....in other words we buy epicdot#4 for free.why is so hard to say that.so u looks way to break us.....and u know what u didnt do that....we are still all together. u HAD best server when we was here me,opus and 4apa.....now u have just a bunch of children who yell,cheat and swear... for 2 year,dunno how long time,playing on your server i saw you 2 times trying to play,we were head and body of server....I do not know what you are actually served as a boss,and we know 1000000000000000000 times better than you what this server need and how to deal with players and cheaters. and what u say about "when u play on german server what do u think they will allow u to speak in other language" answer is YES,wherever I've played i was able to speak even on talulu language if i want.u should say thanx why i didnt kick or ban players who speak in other language,because today everything that u could run is the bike. and do mi a favor,check your seerver and see for yourself do u have only english speak....no man u dont have....dismiss all admins cuz they dont do theyrs job.but as i said your illnes was`nt language,its just *SRB* and *SRB*`s friends nothing more. if you just knew what your adims. think about you.....u will be a very happy man i dont have nothing against you,(like one admin. said u have problem in your head) just check your behavior and turn back see what you lose just bec. of razz. u can lie everyone that`s not the reason,but no one believes you,as no one dont believes you about *SRB*`s.....and u know that.sometimes man understood that he make mistake,and try to appologize....it up on you what will you do.