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  • Birthday 05/07/1981


  • Biography
    its a long story
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  • Interests
    metal detecting,history,hunting,fishing......
  • Occupation
    my job is to keep server #4 clean ;)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. yes but dont delete just close,my goal is reached
  2. opus bro,nice post.you said everything that was supposed to say. i`m not writing this with "come back" reason, far from it.u made your decision and thats is.u have now great team of admins who contact me to ask how to use agrecon,exelent team of kids,i see future in theyrs eyes ;) ppl contact me even now on xf and asked me to go back,or to ban someone.i have information that server is every day visited by lot of cheaters and no one is there to handle with that. seems to be true what one player said whoops+razz+kids=epicdot #4,no hard feeling,i didnt say that...thats what players are thinking. If i know from start that you were so ungrateful man...i ll never stay on this server more than 2 min. (i hope that god will give you back in your life what u deserve and u will) but on end everyone shows his face! my face is clean,and wherever i play i have just regards and ppl salute me so i`m sure that i`v don my job correct. when i told you to start poll abut me or opus or 4apa....and ask players are we good or no,u didnt want,because u know pre-result!all what u have is problem in your head and nothing more. i tried to help you when u had 10 players on server,with my opinions and researches on other server and u said "yes u are right","yes that will be good" "yes i will do that on new forum"....and on end what.....ingratitude? yeah.... few of us keep your server with good players,players was there because of us,not because of you or because that shit of razz,and all does players are with us now,check your server only kids,yes...u will be full of donations from they. but your illness is actually in *SRB* because we were too much on your server and unfortunately we didnt buy slots from you.....in other words we buy epicdot#4 for free.why is so hard to say that.so u looks way to break us.....and u know what u didnt do that....we are still all together. u HAD best server when we was here me,opus and 4apa.....now u have just a bunch of children who yell,cheat and swear... for 2 year,dunno how long time,playing on your server i saw you 2 times trying to play,we were head and body of server....I do not know what you are actually served as a boss,and we know 1000000000000000000 times better than you what this server need and how to deal with players and cheaters. and what u say about "when u play on german server what do u think they will allow u to speak in other language" answer is YES,wherever I've played i was able to speak even on talulu language if i want.u should say thanx why i didnt kick or ban players who speak in other language,because today everything that u could run is the bike. and do mi a favor,check your seerver and see for yourself do u have only english speak....no man u dont have....dismiss all admins cuz they dont do theyrs job.but as i said your illnes was`nt language,its just *SRB* and *SRB*`s friends nothing more. if you just knew what your adims. think about you.....u will be a very happy man i dont have nothing against you,(like one admin. said u have problem in your head) just check your behavior and turn back see what you lose just bec. of razz. u can lie everyone that`s not the reason,but no one believes you,as no one dont believes you about *SRB*`s.....and u know that.sometimes man understood that he make mistake,and try to appologize....it up on you what will you do.
  3. pa ta spus baiatu sara aia sa nu joc cu gl.....ce nu ai ascultat?

    registraza te aica http://www.digitalbattlefield.net/

    spune le ca nu ai antalesi ca nu sa puate cu gl....si ruaga te sa stearga banu.

  4. pa ta spus baiatu sara aia sa nu joc cu gl.....ce nu ai ascultat?

    registraza te aica http://www.digitalbattlefield.net/

    spune le ca nu ai antalesi ca nu sa puate cu gl....si ruaga te sa stearga banu.

  5. ceau FRATE ;)

    mam luat pe serveru ala BAN ca am jucat cu GL :(

  6. Seriously, THIS is all you have? After I replied with half a page of text and explained a whole gameplay video? yes i said all....and u can writte romans if u wish.... dunno about voices. ask cross where are mails, not mine. ask cross where are clips. i am and lot of players "my evidence" "It seems like things are not going as you thought they would so you pretend to be the bigger man by posting that reply. Well guess what, it will not end like this." as i say i dont give a sh**** what will be with you or how will this end. "Furthermore, I never said the word "all" .. i said there are many low skilled players. Don't try to put words in my mouth =) If this ends like this i know what will happen, you will "secretly" film me in the future and we will have this argument all over again .." yes i know u have something else in your mouth......=) i tried just 1ce to record you,not twice....my camtasia studio failed.....and be sure,ill never spend my time recording losers like you....bec. u are on server just to show "low skilled players" how good u are....as ADMIN U ARE ONE BIG 0!!! "How about you admit you are wrong OR bring some evidence to the table." no im not wrong,just dream about that...... "And what about you Eclipse, talking in another language constantly when *SrB* members are online? Don't think I will let this pass so easily. Instead of talking to me about it you went behind my back without even having the decency to inform me about it, that goes for you too _Toper_. " talking in other language is not cheat...and if nobody complains means that is ok......small chat.... but it is known that the drowning man clutch even for straw..... i told you many times in game that u are a cheater..... but thats all what i was able to do bec. u are admin....
  7. just 1 big lol...... I said what I had to say,i dont give a s***** what will be with you or if someone will do something about this.... yes u are right,we are all beginers and u are pro.....
  8. and sorry for this 1 "once he changed his name back to Razz and a map later you all claimed he was hacking? " next map,who we all?????? i was the only one! wrong info from him.and i told him that after my camtasia failed....after i told him deliberately that i will ban him (bec. i know that he will change his name back)....well,as in the brackets he changed the name back...and told me "and now,what u say now,try now to kick me or ban me u cant do nothing...or something like that" i say yes i can.....turned off the game and tried to find you...but i didnt....
  9. correct!!! but.....I expected this ;) bealive you or not, because I knew that he does not writte here on forum but u2 speak out of forum private. (nothing bad!!!) let me find part of my and cross chat on yahoo out of game ;)that can proof i allready know he is bullseye.....and i can also explayn you how did i know.... my point was to reassure cross, that bullseye is a cheater......while i recording...unfortunately my camtasia studio failed ;( aham....there is a part from our chat.... its not my language,its romanian language.....razz or razvan know his language very good.... i`ll let this in original....if u cant translate razvan can....or i can do that. WIL******man: el a jucat cu nicku bullseye???? WIL******man: su***ng bastard! WIL******man: fu***ng bastadt ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: da ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: eu am stiut dar am asteptat sa vad ce spune,sa pot sa al recordez ECLIPSE ECLIPSE: deaia am spus eu ca nu ie cheat
  10. yes,and i`ve already answered ....if i catch jonny cheating i`ll kick him out from group and sure ban him from server.....i`m not protecting anyone. but if i saw jonny like i saw razz....he would be baned long time a go. i know that u are busy and we all appreciate your hard work and dedication...and i didnt know that u were informed from _toper_ about this but i suport him 100%....so now we are 2 admins who saw his game...how much andmins need to report him? we are not doing this for pay.....and we need to kick him from team to have greater wager.it`s just not nice to sufer critics from all players bec. of him...no one is blind. and why they are not here to say something about this i dunno.....1. he is admin and lot of them wont mess wit him,he can ban them from server and nobody will know who ban them....just for revange... 2.many are not here bec. they dont know how to enter on forum. 3.like i say once before im not in their head and i dont know. 4.i hope that our voice and facts counts as admins. _toper_ thanks for your effort.
  11. dunno who post this video (this video is sh**t,he`s not cheating here,just trying to represent him as sprayer,lol),or who report him this time,but i suport his opinion.he is 100% cheater.after cross.ro recording everyone could see that he is a cheater,why is this video taken for consideration and cross`s no? do u know what we suffer from the players sides? every 2nd player knows that he is cheater,every 2nd player report him! when i report him first time u suggest me to change server a little bit instead u do some investigation. i dont have nothing against him,we even dont play in same team....but....what is too much is really too much. after cross.ro post his video,5 days he was very quiet (40:30,60:45,70:50) after he saw that nothing happend quickly changed his gameplay to old smart cheat. Last night he played under the name [bullseye] and on end map (i arrived on end) ,showdown,he had 90:5??!!?? next map after he had again 40:30....why,his skills have gone or? and after couple of maaps he tourn his skills back. i can writte books about this,but i hope there will be more ppl who can writte more,unfortunately, many could not enter on site,and lot of them are afraid,lot of them are not registered here. i saw opusdai play (opus can eat him) and i never though he is cheater....but razz`s game....u can see that from airplane. i remember long time a go _toper_ was sprayer,he had fire thru wall on one map.....But nobody not written _toper_ cheater....they writte _toper_ sprayes... but for razz everyone say "he is cheater" not sprayer.....and demand from us to ban or kick him...and we can do nothing. i hope _toper_ can proof my word.....and rest of us. sorry whoops had to writte this if is this too much u can delete this.....if u want more i can continue.
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