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  • Biography
    There is so much to live for..
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  • Interests
    Jaunt, books, shooting, COD
  • Occupation
    Software company, support department.

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  1. No, i still don't have a job - 5 months until now.. What to say, we shall survive, no way to give up Thank you for your moral support! Thats right. I can find a job but i won't to work for 200 Euro 6 days in the week and 10 hours on day.. Just to share, minimum salary here is 150 Euro so you can imagine our standard of life My last job was for 700 Euro, but it will be very hard to reach this level again. Will be good and half of these 700 Euro for beginning.
  2. I can't get nothing legit right now and my vote is for AlterRev..
  3. I like it, good job! I hope to have a chance for donation in the near future (still looking for job)..
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtHxZDcteEY
  5. This game just rocks even now 10 years later! I am too busy for any games but no way to miss this one
  6. Nice! I love this game from 10 long years
  7. What a nice red sky, where do you live? Mars?
  8. It's time for some hardcore:D
  9. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle http://bks1.books.google.bg/books?id=sQYqRCIhFAMC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl
  10. And.. This guy is great:)
  11. Some info about Vasko: http://www.vaskovassilev.com/biography.html
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