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Everything posted by CROSS_RO

  1. ceau FRATE ;)

    mam luat pe serveru ala BAN ca am jucat cu GL :(

  2. we can not do anything to him?
  3. RAZZ cool song;) this video is not that style of play as the other one
  4. cool song;) this video is not that style of play as the other one!
  5. how he can always come back to the server when he ban ... last time I got him caught Glitching http://www.xfire.com/video/3f532c/
  6. I do not need to show you anything ... that video say all about style of you play
  7. It appears that the user cross_ro and razvannb are one and the same .. http://www.gametracker.com/player/*S...3.30.18:28960/ and http://www.gametracker.com/razvannb/ Now I have to wonder two things; 1. Why would someone register 2 usernames? 2. Why are there 2 posts in this thread by the same user under a different name? cross_ro replied in post #9 and razvannb replied in post #24 ... interesting RAZZ Hey Dude .. I do not know where you put it .. I do not care where you get that! This boy is from romania and he see that shit you do
  8. RAZZ I play cod4 a few years and see that sucker and who's not playing with shit ... To shoot from so far away and shoot you in the head, for me it's definitely a cheat ... is impossible to miss so many players over the head with several bullets and see players who are after all the bushes and to kill them! Why are you on the server when there is no admin online tell other players you play with shit ... If only one player would say you shit, I understand! yes almost every time you're online and there is no admin complain that players play with shit! I would like to be as much sinciritate on this server and the whole game. one more thing ... once caught as a cheater when playing and when i say that is cheating and you miai said if this person does not cheat .. discontinue the friendship between us .. for what purpose also pull shit from your mouth to tell me something. I thought you got to do your admin and admin task. I apologize for my English vocabulary
  9. want to declare that razz it is cheater .... l caught him cheating and put video on xfire but I delete that video because i received couple of messages on my email from difrent peoples, and threatened to ban me from all epic servers if i dont delete this video from xf.im not only one who know razz is cheater. i am sorry i dont know english to good if i know i cant say many things
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