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Everything posted by hawk001

  1. I would say photoshop to, it has an auto function
  2. Processir AMD Athlon X2 QL-64 4 gb RAM ATI Mobility Radean HD 3400 series Motherboard: HP 3600 98.30 chipset: AMD 780G Southbridge: AMD SB7000 just wrote down what I saw, can't figure out the motherboards name
  3. Processor: AMD Athlon X3 Dual-Core QL-64 RAM: 4GB Win 7 32 bit not that good is it xD
  4. Didn't help, just had it again twice in just 10 min.
  5. I've got Sony Ericsson X8 for a while now, love it, although it tends to stall sometimes.
  6. Oh, ok thx for the reply so late wasn't even counting on that
  7. Just got tempbanned on MW2 #2 again, may I know why? didn't get any warnings.
  8. Yes, but it has been ages since I played on the pc, because I bought an xbox360, but now I'm starting on the pc again and ED was one of the servers I really loved in COD4, probably most of you don't recall me but I guess my name back then was Hawk, not sure.
  9. No I don't take it personal, but I just didn't want to get the name "hacker" on me. But I wanted to look if I could become admin too before yesterday evening but I'm going to wait until u guys are sure I don't hack.
  10. I understand now why you think I hack, like at 1:44 I shouldn't have been able to kill that guy, I can't explain why I did, but I sure as hell didn't hack, I didn't know I had a green gun xD
  11. Do you mean the video I recorded? In my recording I believe you can clearly see that I don't cheat, but I guess its the video from trailer park, so i'm going to convert it and place it on youtube and give u guys the link so u can watch from my screen.
  12. Was it in trailer park just now because I have recorded it, I can upload it to youtube but that will take a while because I have exceeded my download limit (Belgium sucks BTW), u will see I don't cheat. You want me to upload it if its that map?
  13. Sure let me see, not to insult Roach, but I don't get it. To me I was playing like always.
  14. Ok I could have had it wrong who said he/she was just a member but i'm sure someone has said that in the game, but impossible shots cmon? because I see someone and react faster than the other one I'm an aimbotter, I wasn't even playing that good, if you had some suspicion I was a hacker you probably didn't even check out my K/D ratio, the first few games I played, sucked my K/D ratio was like 0,8 to 1 or something like that, ok in that game I could have (didn't btw) activated an aimbot. Look it's your word against mine, so I probably don't stand a chance, I can't prove I didn't hack because I don't record my games, so it probably doesn't look good for me, and I'm disappointed, I played on the ED servers a few years now starting with the COD4 servers and would hate not being able to play there again. EDIT: just noticed that I can play again and will try to record all games if you ever have doubts
  15. Hi, I've been playing on the EpicDot servers quite a while, and started recently playing MW2 again on the pc. I just got banned because the admin accused me (unfairly) of cheating. I guess the admin was [ED]Roach or something although he said he wasn't an admin. He was spectating me and accused me of aimbotting because I shot a guy rapidly from around a corner, which wasn't the result of hacking but because I saw him shoot a teammate in front of me. I appreciate your efforts to give good servers, and hadn't played in a year on the pc because i bought a console, but I would appreciate it alot of one of the first nights I start playing again on ur servers I wouldn't get banned. Thanks for your time
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