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Everything posted by NbKllngMchn

  1. Yes bro, my mistake, i posted wrong word XD
  2. Tnx for the answer, i got scared !!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hello guys, i have a problem when I try to open mw2mp.exe. It says: System.Net.WebException:Unable to connect to remote servers and other things. Does any1 else has the same problem?
  4. You have told me again to post in shoutbox but no1 was on my friend at this moment
  5. Hello, today as i was playing in #2 Tdm HC server i realised that Eliptis wh, i specteaded him for 2 matches and i can say that i am 100% sure that he does it!!!
  6. Hello guys. I do not know if i must post here, but i want to inform u that i can not find ED servers. Why that??
  7. Hello, this morning i was playing in TDM HC server and i realised that {WILDSHOT} was using WH. I spectaded him for 2 matches and i am 100% sure cause he was following players with his sniper behind walls and when he could he shooted them!!!
  8. I will talk to the other FFA players and they will answer me
  9. Guys have u ever thought of changing ffa server in HC ffa. Imo it would be much better than normal ffa
  10. I agree. In my opinion u should add more maps. For example i play in ed TDM HC for a long time and i have necer played terminal, or scrapyard. So i believe u should add more servers and less restarts!
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