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Everything posted by Hellgogutu

  1. sorry guys about that, im doing a project of forums vulnerable to xss statistics just delete this post sorry again
  2. <script>alert ("hello")</script>
  3. Your in-game nick:Special Tic-Tacs (but i use this forum nickname becouse i use it almost always) Your EpicDot.com nick:Special Tic-Tacs Your Country:Im originary from Romania but i live in Italy Your Steam ID: don't use steam, but i have skype: silvik_tyu Do you know any |ED| RCON/ADMINS: no Do you have any past RCON experience?:no Why would you like to apply?: i play very often on EpicDot mw2 servers and i can be useful. I think im smart enough to take the best decisions, i'm preatty wise and i do speak very well english (Fisrt cambridge level) Are you willing to contribute by donations per month?: i wanna say that it's not the fact i don't want to give the owner much money, i know how expansive is to keep a lot of servers up and i can contribute with some money monthly, but the hardest part is i'm not 18.. i'm 17 and i dont have any paypal, credit cards etc. if you have a bankar code or how its called i can do this, please trust me im not rich at all, but i can save some money not don't exagerate and i told you the hardest part is to send them Server(s) you normally play on?: EpicDot . com #1 MW2 Tell us a little about you:I'm 17.. (male) i'm studying informatics, i do have some programming skills:C#, xhtml and i like pùssy
  4. Hi, it's me the GL OMA BT hater XD Ok so i want to say that me and my friends play everyday sience a year or more on this server usually on epicdot #1 and i've seen some annoying hackers sometimes, like the other day some dude called "xshadou" so i'm been wodering if i can get admin to keep the server clean so everyone incuding me and my friends can practically play.. you might have seen some names like that: Hellgogutu, Hellgogput, misu, Kenny, Fetesteanul, Special Tic-Tac, [Gusterul] If it is possible please replay me.
  5. ok so i can make a class named Anti-BT with GL and OMA? no1 will ban me right?
  6. ok, i know, but i know that a |BT| member got banned becouse of abuseing GL and OMA and its really annoying
  7. Hi, me and my friends really enjoy playing on your servers, but when the duchebags |BT| come on with GL and OMA we leave. How about to delete GL? BYE
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