hello, my name is destro the t . my real name is tasos. yes i am greek, that is why my name is weird. and yes thats what the T stands for in my nickname. anyway, let me get on topic. i would like to take some of your time to speak about haxor. not on behalf of him, but about him. as far as i've been told he quoted a team fortress 2 video (meet the spy) and somebody, took it seriously and banned him. i really dont find anything wrong with quoting. but i think that the person who banned him didnt know where that quote originated from. sorry about that. but it was a joke. you can watch the video if you'd like Like i said on the forum, i really dont think there is such a thing as bad words. or even racist. its the person you oughta be worrying about and the way he uses them. for example, haxor quoted something from a video, and dont take me wrong that scene is funny! but he didnt mean it, so why take it seriously? sure he calls me names too, but he doesnt mean them. maybe its because he has a mouth of a sailor sometimes. but that doesnt make him a bad person. his friends like him the way he is. infact, most things he says when he curses are funny. just something you didnt know about him. i understand that you (whoever banned him, or anyone else who disagrees) sees haxor as someone who insults others. a "bad" person so to speak. but that is true only if you do not know him personally. get to know him. you will see i am right. and yes, haxor swears in game. but dont take that personally either because, its part of his way of self control when playing videogames. each time we play i rage, he doesnt. i never understood how he did that. i broke 3 mice so far, he did not even punch his desk. i was confused at first, but then i saw that he releases his rage into the game's chat. he says how he feels and he just forgets about it, you know? and yes, that actually works. anywho, i honestly think this is a big misunderstandment. haxor was banned with out a warning as far as i know. i didnt go through the whole archive of the shoutbox. not yet. but, if someone had him warned he would have explained and he would be forgiven( i guess?) but seriously, unless you dont like jokes and love hitler and gestapo you can just leave. i never wanted to waste my valuable time on a person like you. (no offence) i dont want to talk to someone who doesnt know what a sense of humor is.( again, no offence) and this is something i just saw. just a a minute (or so) before he quoted the spy, he quoted the medic from the meet the medic video. Here is what he said, to kolanas69 : ;D (happy face ) HaxorISay 13-09-2011 09:30 PM later ( red medic) HaxorISay 13-09-2011 09:30 PM kill me. ( blu spy) and he even explained that they were all team fortress 2 quotes. anyway, i along with many others have done worse things than that. i may have been reported by icemix. my ingame nick was, the last time i played that is, butt pirate. and yes i was team killing but now i stopped. that is off topic though.